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Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Now now, stop picking on him. I mean, where else would we find such a glorious example of "butthurt", which we will be telling our grandchildren about?

Seriously dude, stop bawling like a child. You portray yourself as Señor Fantastico, the most trusted seller in God's cruel kingdom and I'm sure that all your transactions here have gone without a glitch, but since your post count was still so low, it couldn't have been that many. So stop acting like we put you out of business.
Unless you've been doing business by PM.....hmmm....


Mar 30, 2012
takes criticism well i see

firstly i understand the logic behind this rule, I agree with it in principle and applaud the fact that the forum admins have taken measures to make this a safe trading environment, so no im not asking for the rules to be changed for me, in fact ive been trying to adhere to the rules by posting elsewhere in the forum as directed.

Its the mods/admins that have said "get 20 posts" and then proceed to pull my posts down because they thought i was rushing the post vetting process - yes that's exactly what i was doing.

Believe me im doing my very level best to try and pretend that im interested in the amount of porting on a shaft 4 vs that of a dye ul when in reality im more aware of the fact that the item im interested in legitimately buying may very well be sold before i can get there.

so im essentially stuck in a catch 22 - i want to buy kit but need 20 posts, so im rushing to get 20 posts before the kit i want is sold, but the more i rush the longer it takes and by the time i get 20 posts which meets the criteria of "constructive" the very item ive been rushing to try and buy is most likely going to be sold anyway and ill have to wait another 6 months for something similar to come up.

see the problem??

so in summary.

no i dont think I should be exempt from the rules.

no i dont need grapes or red carpets, but being a fan of sarcasm i would appreciate it if you worked on your sarcastic wisecracks and offered me a better quality of sarcasm next time.:D

no i dont want to leave, this IS a very good forum and believe it or not i am capable of not liking a rule but still being able to abide by it - this isn't my first rodeo.

yes i do expect to be able to gripe about something i dont particularly like without several teddy bears jumping out of their cot to have a go at me.

no im not here to cause trouble or "troll" the forum, all i did was offer mild criticism of a rule that has prevented me from buying items on several previous occasions and in return for my "constructive post" - a criteria you yourselves have imposed on me - im forced to endure the pain of some badly thought out sarcasm and the duty "my way or the highway" lecture.

is it any wonder that posters may not want to engage in constructive discussions when this is the wage for their endeavors???

as it stands my previous post has ironically broken the 20 post threshold, so if you gentlemen will excuse me i am about to purchase a marker.


Aug 19, 2003
If we thought you were a scammer, you would be banned by now. All you have done is had 3 posts removed which went against general forum etiquette, and I messaged you on the third. Nothing more. We havent got a list of bad guys with your name on it, nothing like that.

By the way, you have 20 posts now. Log out, then log in again, and you should have access. If you dont, send me a PM.


Mar 30, 2012
yeah thanks, its all sorted

offer has gone in

was just letting off some steam (and upping my post count :p)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
let steam off by all means but DO NOT and I mean this so bad I'll say it again, DO NOT insult the mods here or your stay will be very short indeed.

The Mods here are some of the nicest people and most dedicated guys I've every had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with. The amount of sh*t we put up with at times would make your toes curl.

Plus, if something goes wrong for you, God forbid, we'll be the first ones you call upon.

Enjoy your new purchase when you get it, enjoy your access to the classifieds in general :)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
takes criticism well i see

firstly i understand the logic behind this rule, I agree with it in principle and applaud the fact that the forum admins have taken measures to make this a safe trading environment, so no im not asking for the rules to be changed for me, in fact ive been trying to adhere to the rules by posting elsewhere in the forum as directed.

Its the mods/admins that have said "get 20 posts" and then proceed to pull my posts down because they thought i was rushing the post vetting process - yes that's exactly what i was doing.

Believe me im doing my very level best to try and pretend that im interested in the amount of porting on a shaft 4 vs that of a dye ul when in reality im more aware of the fact that the item im interested in legitimately buying may very well be sold before i can get there.

so im essentially stuck in a catch 22 - i want to buy kit but need 20 posts, so im rushing to get 20 posts before the kit i want is sold, but the more i rush the longer it takes and by the time i get 20 posts which meets the criteria of "constructive" the very item ive been rushing to try and buy is most likely going to be sold anyway and ill have to wait another 6 months for something similar to come up.

see the problem??

so in summary.

no i dont think I should be exempt from the rules.

no i dont need grapes or red carpets, but being a fan of sarcasm i would appreciate it if you worked on your sarcastic wisecracks and offered me a better quality of sarcasm next time.:D

no i dont want to leave, this IS a very good forum and believe it or not i am capable of not liking a rule but still being able to abide by it - this isn't my first rodeo.

yes i do expect to be able to gripe about something i dont particularly like without several teddy bears jumping out of their cot to have a go at me.

no im not here to cause trouble or "troll" the forum, all i did was offer mild criticism of a rule that has prevented me from buying items on several previous occasions and in return for my "constructive post" - a criteria you yourselves have imposed on me - im forced to endure the pain of some badly thought out sarcasm and the duty "my way or the highway" lecture.

is it any wonder that posters may not want to engage in constructive discussions when this is the wage for their endeavors???

as it stands my previous post has ironically broken the 20 post threshold, so if you gentlemen will excuse me i am about to purchase a marker.
Ah, now you make a well nuanced post. I'm quite happy with that.
Any of the mods here can tell you that I tend to stay out of these discussions, because they are usually in there before I am, plus they are quite capable of handling themselves. The simple fact that I felt the need to get involved, says something about how your post came across (says nothing about how you intended it though, I'll gladly take you word for it). So maybe your sarcasm isn't as good as you think... ;)

Anyway, I'm glad it's all sorted now. I hope you keep enjoying the forums as you have done, despite this hiccup.