angel people whining... let me start with my experience. I got my hands on two of the early ones (serial #'s in the 400 range) and the first one fried on the charger. Never even shot it. They second took over three months, and numerous trips to the shop before I could get a full day's play out of it. After that, I would usually cuss it out after a game or two, go to my car and get one of my mags or my evolution. They always worked. Just so you don't get on my case about what I currently shoot, I have a Free Flow body that was custom assembled, a 96 evolution with some part changes and an old mag. I have been on quite a few teams over the years, and I can only think of one guy that still uses an angel (we are talking about over 50 players here.) One guy from a team near us called me Saturday and asked me about a swap that he was arranging. He had a Dark Angel that was new from the Zap Am Open in August. He traded it for a P&P Super Cocker, 3 matching boomsticks and cash. He called me up on Sunday night and was very pleased. One thing keeps coming into my head when thinking of an angel. They did exactly what they promised... they shot ridiculously fast. But, in my experience and the experience of my team-mates and other players in my region, if you have to hit something that is over 75 feet away, you loose your accuracy. I tried Dye barrels and Smart Parts barrels. It didn't matter. I whined about my angel, until I got rid of it. The last year that I owned it, I never used it. Now you've heard it from a guy who spent too much money on one of them, and saw the light.