Head, God knows what I am doing up at this ungodly hour posting but here goes anyway, I doubt we will ever see a capping of the times at a sensible time before the tournament starts, as the promoters will always try to maximise their income and I have no problem with that as long as they make due provision for their extended entry list.Originally posted by headrock6
But this isnt the first time nor do i think it will be the last time PSP has let teams register in such short periods of time to make more money..
Then at A.C. they capped the # of teams as to not have the same problems earlier in the year and then go back to the old policy for Cup..So they sugarcoat the problem 4 one event and keep teams happy only to pull the same bull$hit a little down the line..
And Pete,have we seen the effects of what holding the X-Ball event at Disney has had yet??Are they interested in the least bit in it??After how upper brass ranted and raved at how big this could be 4 paintballs future just what did it exactly do for our beloved sport??
And im not being cynical,just wanted to know, honestly
Don't take their frikkin money if you can't provide for everybody who does attend...it's both simple and courteous !!
You won't see any immediate effects from the showcase of X-Ball at Disney because at this stage of the game, Disney are merely looking at X-Ball as another income stream based on the sheer number of people who attend the events and maybe getting them into Disney hotels.
There is, as of yet, no direct link or even indirect link between Disney and any potential TV deal that I know of.
The X-Ball package as presented to any potential TV company is independent of Disney but Disney's partial participation will give the event some much needed credence.
Richmond told me that later on this year two half hour films (same footage, just aired twice) of the X-Ball played in Pittsburgh will be aired on TV, so that's a start, we'll see what happens after that.
Richmond is sending me a copy over, so I'll have a look at it when it arrives.
And as for you mentioning you possibly being cynical, damn, if you been in this game for longer than five minutes, then I'm afraid cynicism is unavoidable if you've got any sense of morality or fair play