It's like talking to a wall.
Postage, your responsibility to check it was adequate.
Everything else, feel free not to use the forum if you're offended. I will be quite happy to remove your current sales post and you can try to sell elsewhere if you like. It's been explained to you quite clearly, if you don't get it there's nothing more I can do.
Thread closed now that the original topic has been addressed. Again.
And by the way, you fail to mention you posted the same topic 4 times I think? in the same section? I deleted the others this morning.
Once is enough.
Postage, your responsibility to check it was adequate.
Everything else, feel free not to use the forum if you're offended. I will be quite happy to remove your current sales post and you can try to sell elsewhere if you like. It's been explained to you quite clearly, if you don't get it there's nothing more I can do.
Thread closed now that the original topic has been addressed. Again.
And by the way, you fail to mention you posted the same topic 4 times I think? in the same section? I deleted the others this morning.
Once is enough.