The Tigers are the best team in the Uk at the moment.
The best players.......hmmm hard to tell really
"Just have a look at the 2k2 series scoreboard :"
1st place JCS Imperial
2nd place JCS Inferno Red
3rd Killer Clowns
4th Kellys
5th Banzai
And as for series 2k2, WHUT? I cant believe that people can honestly believe that series 2k2 results can be used to predict the future success of a team. In no way is JCS Imperial ready for pro, certainly not clowns...cant comment on Kellys cos I havnt seen them play much.
Back to my point, series 2k2 is jam packed with novice teams and I hear that Shock werent too impressed with the judging at STR either. All that taken in to account, a team that can whoop ass in series 2k2 will still get mowed in millennium or nppl events. Poor ol JCS Imperial needed to beat us at Campaign to make the semis..........bam, they didnt even come close yet Outkast have never played a series 2k2 event.
The proving ground of the nexus team's ability will be their performance against Tigers, Backlash, Outkast and Shockwave........the test will be their performance in the next millennium or nppl. I wish them good luck.
The best players.......hmmm hard to tell really
"Just have a look at the 2k2 series scoreboard :"
1st place JCS Imperial
2nd place JCS Inferno Red
3rd Killer Clowns
4th Kellys
5th Banzai
And as for series 2k2, WHUT? I cant believe that people can honestly believe that series 2k2 results can be used to predict the future success of a team. In no way is JCS Imperial ready for pro, certainly not clowns...cant comment on Kellys cos I havnt seen them play much.
Back to my point, series 2k2 is jam packed with novice teams and I hear that Shock werent too impressed with the judging at STR either. All that taken in to account, a team that can whoop ass in series 2k2 will still get mowed in millennium or nppl events. Poor ol JCS Imperial needed to beat us at Campaign to make the semis..........bam, they didnt even come close yet Outkast have never played a series 2k2 event.
The proving ground of the nexus team's ability will be their performance against Tigers, Backlash, Outkast and Shockwave........the test will be their performance in the next millennium or nppl. I wish them good luck.