come on £40 last week just for the frames ?
Lump one case one kill Sep 20, 2004 12,725 874 198 55 in the ABYSS May 15, 2006 #11 come on £40 last week just for the frames ?
D Dead_Snakey MakeItOrBreakIt2124917253 Oct 23, 2005 206 0 36 SALISBURY Visit site May 15, 2006 #12 Saw these yesturday and can report they truely are the Coolest set of JTs ive ever seen....
enid_puceflange Homo - Indomitus Oct 15, 2002 245 1 28 51 Edinburgh, Scotland May 15, 2006 #13 sbdan05 said: Why are you balls dependant on lumps gogs?? Click to expand... Cos i forked out £60 for a set of white frames with a lense a fortnight ago! And to be honest this package is worth the better side of £70 in my opinion, but i am turning into a mask whore Gary C
sbdan05 said: Why are you balls dependant on lumps gogs?? Click to expand... Cos i forked out £60 for a set of white frames with a lense a fortnight ago! And to be honest this package is worth the better side of £70 in my opinion, but i am turning into a mask whore Gary C
I can't shoot straight Living Life to the Max! I think :P Mar 14, 2005 606 30 63 41 Darlington May 15, 2006 #14 I love this You have to love these sales they are mad. You could get a brand new E vents in white for £70 But they do look very cool..
I love this You have to love these sales they are mad. You could get a brand new E vents in white for £70 But they do look very cool..
Jimmothy Rockin The EGO Jun 20, 2005 403 0 26 I really dont want to say Visit site May 16, 2006 #15 You tell me where to get a pair of vents that arnt stateside mate.
Sajj101 I’m a MAGaholic. Feb 15, 2005 243 1 28 55 51°30'12.13 N - 0°15'50.78W May 16, 2006 #16 £45.00 Mr. lump.
intimidatorade Mar 8, 2005 159 12 38 37 Bristol May 16, 2006 #17 jt 47.50 lumpsz0r!
intimidatorade Mar 8, 2005 159 12 38 37 Bristol May 17, 2006 #19 49 49 quid