Cool Story Bro. Fort id be the first plus what guns lying on the floor?I loved anything Timmy. I remember when they went to 2nd gen, with the 2k2 and the GZ timmy. Played with one at the Welsh Open, and the switch was placed so that it turned off when you switched hands, so I went for a mug, and tried to shoot guy with a turned off gun, but he just sorta stood up and walked off.
Feel free to Cool story bro me.
I do too miss PGI - Was talking to a business associate the other day and he told me he played for Nam Wreckin Crew back in the day and I was going to dig out my old PGI's and see if he was in any of them.Does anyone else remember getting actual paper catalogues in the post?? I miss those days.
I miss PGi too