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which gun to buy?

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Potter Loki

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
i have a quest and love it, however you cannot get many parts for them easily in the u.k (luckily i have a mass of spares) i would recomend an 07 ego out of all of them


My hair iz spikey!
Apr 12, 2008
Far Far away
keep posting soon please im going to pick the gun im gonna think about considering the prospect of the thinking of making the purchase of when i get something around 50 replies

Evil Rich

Platinum Member Lifetime PMGWC #101
May 22, 2008
Ego all the way, got an 06 and its awesome.

Easy to maintain, reliable and plenty of aftermarket parts and support from Planet


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
keep posting soon please im going to pick the gun im gonna think about considering the prospect of the thinking of making the purchase of when i get something around 50 replies
that is the most stupid comment i have ever heard :rolleyes: stop stretching it out, if you have the money buy some thing. if you DONT come back when you do


My hair iz spikey!
Apr 12, 2008
Far Far away
i just want to know which one is the most unanimously popular for when i buy a gun around the september region............... and the wierd stretching of the phrase was just because i am a spaz but i need to be sure because i had a rather nasty experience with the 2nd hand gun i bought a few months back when it broke soon after purchase


Fatbob's Fusion
Sep 7, 2007
Loughborough and York
you have 2 main choices if you are wanting new top of the range markers this year

ego 8 (though from people i knows experience they are less consistent in terms accuracy, but incredibly effiecient, so you can just soak the area with paint and all will be good ... except your bank balance)

pm8 (yes pm!) it's £400 cheaper than a dm8, has slightly different milling, and is a bit less efficient, is incredibly accurate and is a very good marker.... a lot of my team have them now, and they run beautifully (though you need to keep the bolt well lubed else it starts to stick!)

though as probably said he before, all of this means nothing if it feels crap in your hand

personally i can't stand ego grips and have real issues consistantly keeping high rates of fire with them.. I feel much more at home with a UL frame, and so i go for DM/PM everytime.... but others i know are more than happy with egos, it's just a matter of preference with how they feel in the hand.... best thing you can do is spend the next couple of months going to walkons and or shops and trying markers, see which one fits you best, it's now down to you to try them out... then you can make up your own mind about which is the best marker out there (because its and entirely subjective view :D)


and after re reading your original post

ego 7 ... less consistent, very efficient, any monkey can tech it
dm 7 ... more consistent, less efficient, any monkey that can read a manual can tech it

go try them out and see what you prefer

*the consistency acutally has very little in it, and as for the efficiency,... i doubt you'll notice it unless you're a back player taking a rediculous number of pods onto the field with you....

however the biggest difference is still how they feel in the hand... so go and try them!

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
i just want to know which one is the most unanimously popular for when i buy a gun around the September region............... and the wierd stretching of the phrase was just because i am a spaz but i need to be sure because i had a rather nasty experience with the 2nd hand gun i bought a few months back when it broke soon after purchase

Ok the general feeling is an ego 07, and as you're looking for a marker within a specific price range and will be buying in September, make your decision then.

I get the feeling an ego 07 would suit you well.
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