Sup-Air is a team sport filled with adrenaline from the time you get on that field , I mean you can feel it when you get to your starting gates and you need to bond with the team mates to play well, Woods is basicly a gun-ho gang slung together by people that just turn up to shoot their guns or perhaps rented and usually play blind to how to play with a lot of sites not helping with tactics and plans, Christ !! a grandmother can pull a trigger, but knowing how to use it is something else, if your lucky to get players that know what to do then your lucky, you take pot luck on this one. You can`t mix the two, you don`t even stand the same = standing side on in the woods where you would crouch to sitting position in Sup-Air, you can`t get your gun right into the side of a bunker or shed or tree like you can in Sup-Air, in fact I see this week in week out of the woodsballers not even holding their guns correctly ( we have to teach them ) unlike a lot of sites that don`t. No matter who I ask if they`ve done it before they`ll tell me they were a sniper ... In Paintball !!! I have to laugh. This is my 28th year in Paintball and I started out in the woods and obviously loved it and I still do but I can honestly say that all knowledge of how to play has come from playing Sup-Air. It even shows in the woods when a tourney player is in the game, depending how good he is , before now I`ve had to balance up the sides by taking up to 5 x players from the side that didn`t have the tourney player just to even it up. I think Sup-Air you can develope some amazing skills as it Shows with the amount of divisions there are, and there arn`t that many at the top, and staying there !! you`ll soon find out where your team lays in proportion with the other teams, I`ve seen many teams run away when they get slaughtered not realizing on the strength of the teams above them,
however , Woodsball has always been fun and I think it still is with the camo type of thing for those that haven`t seen any services ( usually that`s the case ) but every now and again a woodsball crowd shines as to their playing ability and I`ve got to say That`s the game I like to play. ... Conclusion :- Love them both > totally different but love them both.