Say you buy $100 worth of smoke grenades for the day, $100 worth of paint grenades, $100 worth of paint land mines, $500 on advertising, another $200 on printing maps, inteneraries, id cards, game cards, info leaflets etc. You have to rent out a couple of tanks or APCs, that could cost another $1,000 - then perhaps petrol for them, maybe another $300 (remember, it's more like gallons to the mile with them babies rather then miles to the gallon!). Then you perhaps have to fix up certain areas of the field or get special props for the game, this could cost way in excess of $200 for labour and parts. You also have to pay the marshalls for the day - that's probably going to be a good 14 hour day (6am - 8pm) orgainising and running everything on the day. I'm sure you'd have at least 25 people doing stuff like that all day long - you have to pay them and it could come to $1,400 for all of them @ $4 an hour.
All of this lot alone amounts to almost $4,000. So you need a fair bit o money in your pocket to organise it to begin with. I'm sure my no.'s aren't that accurate and there's more to take into consideration. But remember - months of prepartation also go into this project.
Still, I suppose about 6 or 7 grand left over aint too shabby - you could do some serous damage at the local pub that night
If you go with the example of the N vs. S game though - there you've got the 600 players with two cases each for example. Now almost 11 grand in one day aint so bad, but when you take into consideration all of the other expenses and work that goes into preparing that day - then you don't get as much as you think.Originally posted by smartecosse
600 paintballers 2 cases each = 2,400,000 paintballs. sell at .0175 pence buy at no more than .013 pence. = loads of IR3's and all the cockers you want!! (or £10800 in the piggy bank)
you can see why this is such a big industry. please please please can we have more big games for us in britain, after all its a good profit opportunity for the companies involved - we should have one each month
Say you buy $100 worth of smoke grenades for the day, $100 worth of paint grenades, $100 worth of paint land mines, $500 on advertising, another $200 on printing maps, inteneraries, id cards, game cards, info leaflets etc. You have to rent out a couple of tanks or APCs, that could cost another $1,000 - then perhaps petrol for them, maybe another $300 (remember, it's more like gallons to the mile with them babies rather then miles to the gallon!). Then you perhaps have to fix up certain areas of the field or get special props for the game, this could cost way in excess of $200 for labour and parts. You also have to pay the marshalls for the day - that's probably going to be a good 14 hour day (6am - 8pm) orgainising and running everything on the day. I'm sure you'd have at least 25 people doing stuff like that all day long - you have to pay them and it could come to $1,400 for all of them @ $4 an hour.
All of this lot alone amounts to almost $4,000. So you need a fair bit o money in your pocket to organise it to begin with. I'm sure my no.'s aren't that accurate and there's more to take into consideration. But remember - months of prepartation also go into this project.
Still, I suppose about 6 or 7 grand left over aint too shabby - you could do some serous damage at the local pub that night