I like teabags me, not tetley or pg either (although in their place these are great, with tea being the nectar of the gods n'all). Teabags/Doritos on the tapeline at the 50, coz you got good protection crosss the field if your shooting the tape, and vice versa. Plus ive survived several muggings in teabags coz they are quite large (meaning your mugger could lean round the wrong end and miss you) and the angles of the sides are weird so sometimes you can see your prospective mugger slightly before their gun is on you.
As for wingnuts i quite like em as long as the wings are well pegged in (otherwise its quite easy to shoot underneath em) their a tight bunker to play so i wouldnt recomend em for bigass back players, ours certainly cant fit behind em. They are quite good for snapshooting especially if u can use the wings to protect you when your popping out
Sayin that ill play anything me, if you ask me nice like