So, after 2 pointless threads of guys desperately trying to convince themselves that they can shoot a pink gun without appearing to be a fudge-packer, what have we learned?
Well, for starters, we have learned that paintballers care a lot about how they are perceived by others, otherwise why post the question?
Following on from this, we have learned that most people (with the exception of the people who already have pink crap in their kit-bag) perceive pink to be a 'gay color', for varying reasons.
So, in conclusion, to all the people going the 'pink route' -
1. Yes, you look gay (even if you're actually not).
2. Yes, you care too much about what others think, which is a bad thing, because others think you're gay (even if you're actually not)
3. You could post the question again, but it would compound your perceived uber-homosexuality
We can all joke around, and say 'who cares?', but for those single guys, who like to be a bit flash, and like the look of the tasty girl from "Insert-Name Paintball field' or "Team Insert-name', but she doesn't even know you exist! - now you have your answer. She is ignoring you because you're a shirt-lifter.
Wondered why the rest of your team are not inviting you out down the pub, or to 'whathisnames' stag-do - it's because they don't want to turn their backs on you, what with you being gay & all (Even if you're not, she/they still think you are.)
Weigh that up against how 'cool' you think it might be to be sportin' pink this season. Better yet, put a sticker on your loader that says 'shoot me if you think I'm gay'. If no-one shoots at you, you're in the clear.