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What's the better buy?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
Hey guys looking into getting my first marker, don't want to go too crazy, looking to spend around £200 on a marker,
Thinking about a mini, but would some thing like an ego 8(litter bit more than a 2nd hand mini) be a better buy?

Cheers Bryan
i have owned a mini and currently own an axe. my mini rocked. was one of the best markers i have owned and i will have a few people on here from my team back me up. on the other hand a lot of my team have eclipse guns and they generally live by them. also at almost any event you go to there will be an eclipse tech who usually can fix any problem free of charge. (sadly only seen empire represent at campaign cup but i may be wrong).

if you can try one or two out at events and see how you feel. a lot of people dont like how small the mini is in the hands (i liked it).

as for masks i have only had eFlex's and grillz and both were / are brilliant. have worn I4's but never in a game. My neck, chin and jaw seem to be paint magnets and i'm sick of getting hit there.

in the end for both its down to personal preference.

dont buy cheap with masks as it is your safety in the end, and if you cant see sh@t you cant shoot sh@t.

as for a marker i personally think a mini would do you well as for a starter gun they are relativly cheap and resell for a decent price if you dont like the game as much as you would like. (recently got my female house mate into the game and got her a mini knowing she likes how light it is and if she packs in she wont have lost tons of money. She will have at least got her cash worth from playing.)

hope its helpful


Active Member
Jul 30, 2013
I wear an i4 but it is minimal coverage of face forehead tends to be a paintball magnet :) but great while playing haven't fogged up yet would only buy new head gear. Then you know that its been looked after and stored properly. Only get one set of eyes ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
Hi. Im new to sport aswell and wondering what would be the best buy for a mask as I wear glasses and the last time I went to combat zone I spent most the time trying to clear my mask. Have got around 80 quid ish???
justpaintball have a section on theyre website for masks that are comfy wih glasses.