what a drive , it was a education playing in the desert

, but hell highlight of the day my run through on kellys , and winning this awsome team .(the come back kings) you can never write off this team. down side of the day my sweat rash on my asse christ that was sore

. marshaling well hats of to dave mars bar , he earnt his corn , but some lazy marshalls too . but hell thanks to all the marshalls espesially for them penalty points .
Over kill, whats wrong with people whinging this is a extreme sport and some times if you are the last man in and you have 3/4 opposing teams on you your gonna get some loving so expect it , it pisses me off to see people crying about overkill it dont hurt if your adrenalins going , get down to manchester to train you will soon get use to overkill, and become a better baller. these markers can produces awsome bps, just read before the lines before frowing all the yoys out off the pram?
Viewing stageing area great and yes loads of cheating as usual , but just a lot more visible , guys this has always been in paint balling. its a art ? .
Good day but just trigger time for us . and Kidderminster is still playing catch up on all the other venues on the circuit? it was better last year as a wooland event my opinion .
Bully thanks for a great day , also for the cream for my sore asse that made it sting even more? and the two lads from just so manc that guested for us Ronnie and Mac D great set of ladsto be around.
these are all my views only if any of them upset anyone Tough we love you all .