There will be a PA system on day and H-Pac will be doing air there will be 5 marshal's per field and two ultimate marshal's walking the rest of the fields THERE is ultimate marshal's on each Field but there will be two top marshals walking from field to field.
Each Marshall will also be issued with a radio to communicate with other marshal's on there field so when you ask for a paint check all the marshal will have to do is call the marshal up on the other side of the field without losing his voice Hopefully this will cut bad calls and help check players a lot quicker.
The ultimate Marshall on each field will be able to talk to any other field via his radio, so he will be able to check to see if any fields are running late or to push teams along.
Food we will have the usual stuff that you find at tournaments but also Chinese stirfry. How good it will be depends on who is cooking.
chrono stations with marshalls posted to them and in turn the marshalls with every size allen wrenches. if marshalls have the keys at the chronos, that will cut down on late players and games.
Any other comments