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What to do when the people whine?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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"Losers always Whine about doing their Best,
Winners get to go home and f*ck the Prom Queen!!!!"

-Sean Connery "The Rock"

Tell em that, and if they don't shut up go home and take their wives / girlfirends as well.


New Member
Dec 6, 2002
new york/new jersey
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take out the whiners..

i remmeber i was playing last friday, there was this guy who every1 thought was the best player until i showed up

every game i continuously was the one taking him out, he kept whining claiming he shot me 5 or 10x and the refs were too stupid to see anything

even when he called paint checks against me the refs didnt see anything

one game he was cheap, he called paintcheck on me and when the ref ran to me he ran past and shot me


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Yeah, I agree with your friends, it's like the time I tried to go national in the 100 metre sprint, totally unfair because I'm a crap runner. But they wouldn't give me a headstart. I shouldn't have to lose in a sport just because other people are better than me.

For god's sake, just tell them to shut the f*** up and if they keep whining say "ahhh do you need your juice". If that fails, then bitch-slap them.
As for "I'm the best player here" syndrome, big deal, who honestly cares? your a hero in your own head, everyone else thinks your a tool. If you aint earning your living at it, then it's just for fun.

Damnit, if I read one more, "I totally owned that game" story, I swear I am going to puke. I only came on here 'cos I never got the hang of cybersex, that USB port looks awfully small.


the brotherhood
May 16, 2002
isle of man
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Originally posted by nandakjohwah
take out the whiners..

i remmeber i was playing last friday, there was this guy who every1 thought was the best player until i showed up

every game i continuously was the one taking him out, he kept whining claiming he shot me 5 or 10x and the refs were too stupid to see anything

even when he called paint checks against me the refs didnt see anything

one game he was cheap, he called paintcheck on me and when the ref ran to me he ran past and shot me
and a even better example of **** refs/marshels:(

joe bob

copyright '03
"everything in the world has a voice, my marker is saying 'stop whining and play the game' so play fair or go away

the glory seeker thing, what i ment was that all they want is glory, they just want it and not have to earn it, kind of like the world with money these days..