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What should I do?

Sep 16, 2011
Hi, I'm considering buying a Geo of my mate for Half it's retail price because he gets them free from planet eclipse. It's an 09 GEO so he's put the price down for me to £300. 1. Because I play paintball with him regularly and he's one of my best mates. 2. He's never opened the box and its just cluttering up space because he has several new markers now.

The Reason why I'm posting this thread is.. 1. because I only play 2/3 times a month and was wondering if a GEO would be too much? 2. With a GEO, if you put some really bad hopper/loader you just going to look like a complete dick on the game field. I am saying this because I am 15 and have a pritty tight budget. 3. Should i just get it and light up anyone whos playing with me?

I would have to get a decent loader(possibly Empire prophecy or Rotor) and air tank (empire, dye throttle) We are talking into £160 for the hopper/loader and £150/80 on air.
Is this too much for playing 3/4 times a month?

Thanks for reading and please help me out. on PM me on any questions or details.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
well if you buy the loader and air from these forums, you'll obviously be saving yourself some pennies.

Prophecies go for around the £40-£50 and rotors for approx. £80-£90.

Air bottles go for around £80 to £100.

If you're set on getting the Geo, don't short-change yourself with a steel bottle and gravity-fed hopper as they simply will not complement your marker. Get high-end stuff to go with your high end marker.
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Active Member
Sep 10, 2006
Second hand rotor 60-80 quid......bottle 60-80

you could.get a halo or reloader b for 25 quid which would handle.on the geo no problem!

if its never been used the.geo not a bad price!
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Teddy picker99

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
Kings lynn norfolk
Buy a good marker to start then your sorted. just try not to get into the habbit of buying more, i only play couple of times a month but baught nice stuff... It makes me feel pretty. X


Aug 19, 2003
Hi, I'm considering buying a Geo of my mate for Half it's retail price because he gets them free from planet eclipse. It's an 09 GEO so he's put the price down for me to £300. 1. Because I play paintball with him regularly and he's one of my best mates. 2. He's never opened the box and its just cluttering up space because he has several new markers now.

The Reason why I'm posting this thread is.. 1. because I only play 2/3 times a month and was wondering if a GEO would be too much? 2. With a GEO, if you put some really bad hopper/loader you just going to look like a complete dick on the game field. I am saying this because I am 15 and have a pritty tight budget. 3. Should i just get it and light up anyone whos playing with me?

I would have to get a decent loader(possibly Empire prophecy or Rotor) and air tank (empire, dye throttle) We are talking into £160 for the hopper/loader and £150/80 on air.
Is this too much for playing 3/4 times a month?

Thanks for reading and please help me out. on PM me on any questions or details.
PE give him free guns? He must be a pro player then? Which team?
Sep 16, 2011
Thanks for all the replys, I know the gun wont make me a better player and its not a game. I'm not exactly sure how he got the GEO free, I will have to ask him at the walk-on tomorrow. I dont know what his status is like pro-semi pro but i know he a hell of a snake player. I am going to buy it off him. Thanks for all the help.