Hi, I'm considering buying a Geo of my mate for Half it's retail price because he gets them free from planet eclipse. It's an 09 GEO so he's put the price down for me to £300. 1. Because I play paintball with him regularly and he's one of my best mates. 2. He's never opened the box and its just cluttering up space because he has several new markers now.
The Reason why I'm posting this thread is.. 1. because I only play 2/3 times a month and was wondering if a GEO would be too much? 2. With a GEO, if you put some really bad hopper/loader you just going to look like a complete dick on the game field. I am saying this because I am 15 and have a pritty tight budget. 3. Should i just get it and light up anyone whos playing with me?
I would have to get a decent loader(possibly Empire prophecy or Rotor) and air tank (empire, dye throttle) We are talking into £160 for the hopper/loader and £150/80 on air.
Is this too much for playing 3/4 times a month?
Thanks for reading and please help me out. on PM me on any questions or details.
The Reason why I'm posting this thread is.. 1. because I only play 2/3 times a month and was wondering if a GEO would be too much? 2. With a GEO, if you put some really bad hopper/loader you just going to look like a complete dick on the game field. I am saying this because I am 15 and have a pritty tight budget. 3. Should i just get it and light up anyone whos playing with me?
I would have to get a decent loader(possibly Empire prophecy or Rotor) and air tank (empire, dye throttle) We are talking into £160 for the hopper/loader and £150/80 on air.
Is this too much for playing 3/4 times a month?
Thanks for reading and please help me out. on PM me on any questions or details.