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What marker to get as my first?

chris w

Nov 13, 2007
uhmm no idea, dont think so, some may i guess.
you could just ask people if you could have a few shots, they're more than likely so say yeah.

as for getting an ion, wich i get the impression from your last post, i think cliff has one, also you could get a stock one on here, cheap as chips, or with some ups for the same price as a stock new one :)
and yeah, warped do amazing things with ions, and at a very reasonable price aswell.
jim who i think does most of the tech things, hes a good chap :D


New Member
Apr 17, 2008
In my opinion a Proto SLG or 2nd-hand PMR would be an ideal choice, as for someone new to the sport they are much easier to maintain after each training session tourney - Simply unscrew the back cap, pull the bolt out and clean/lube as required.

Doing the same thing with an Ion is a b!tch, as you have to completely dismantle it, being careful not to damage the eye board or the solenoid in the process. If in the future you plan to upgrade to a marker in the Dye/Proto range, then having owned either a PMR or SLG will have taught you almost everything you'll need to know to maintain it.

Not bashing the Ion, it's a decent starter marker, but had the SLG been released when I was looking for my first gun then I would have easily picked that over the Ion.
Finally someone has given me a reason for getting either of those 2 markers, most people have just put the name of the gun and "its cheap" or something. If i do get one of those 2 i think it will be the SLG because for a first i'd prefer a brand new one, i think i'll be choosing between the ION or SLG now. Whats a good price for a second hand PMR?

Thanks for the advice mate :D


Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2006
(near) Southampton
2nd-hand PMR's go for around the same price as brand new SLG's, so if you spot a good deal on a PMR then I'd go for it - These would be better over the SLG as they come fitted with a clamping feedneck so you wouldn't need to upgrade.

You say you'd prefer to buy new which is fair enough, but if you have any problems then there are looads of people around who can help to fix it at no cost.


New Member
Apr 17, 2008
2nd-hand PMR's go for around the same price as brand new SLG's, so if you spot a good deal on a PMR then I'd go for it - These would be better over the SLG as they come fitted with a clamping feedneck so you wouldn't need to upgrade.

You say you'd prefer to buy new which is fair enough, but if you have any problems then there are looads of people around who can help to fix it at no cost.
Yeah i suppose if i get a good deal on a second hand one then i may go for it, and all the marshels at Apocalypes are very helpfull :D

chris w

Nov 13, 2007
iv got a pmr, my first marker too, runs a dream, well it did until i broke it :D
but dye sent me a replacement battery harness, its shooting sweet as a nut again
and as lemonadeX said, theyr so easy to maintain.