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What is your idea of a perfect scenario-style walk on?


Active Member
Feb 14, 2012
after the 20 second win on one of the games at the recent SPC walkon i like the idea of a mix of short games in the morning then maybe couple longer games in the afternoon (an hour on defence then switch). Using the gold brick idea from H4H would be simple enough and wouldnt need generals, just simply find the bricks and deposit them back at a point on the field to score points.

limit the respawns for the afternoon games.

i suppose game length is also going to be dictated by the air refills available as well.

Rebel Tackleberry

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Casual smaller games. Banter with mates and a BBQ, with beers.

Either small, no-respawn, equally sided games or controlled respawn where say a small force defends with no respawn and a larger force attacks with respawn. The defending force simply holds off as long as they can to see who win after rotating. Works well with 3 groups; 2 attacking and 1 defend and play the 3 variations.

No rushing about at all. Just be there for any briefings and go out and play the games you want when you're ready.
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Jim Jam

Dusty's #1 Fan!
Jan 4, 2012
Horsham, West Sussex
I like the idea of a bigger game in the afternoon maybe with set amount or respawns like 10 for a team everytime a person respawns there is a card that have to remove from a slot or something thus leaving them with say 9 cards left which equals 9 respawns left.
I like the early easier games but I do get a little board once i'm shot out at the start and then in the dead area for what feels like hours.
Thats why i like the example of shorter games in the morning to get you into it and a longer game after lunch with maybe a couple of respawns etc.
Just my two pence worth... :)


Mar 2, 2010
Mayhem paintball , abridge
HI guys, just read through the post and thought id add my 2ps worth :)
I run a walkon at Mayhem Essex and have done for the past 3 years now, the numbers attending have steadly grown over the past years. This year we havent yet had under 40 players (i believe) with 2 months our numbers 70 +. I strictly run old skul shoot em games, no missions, no objectives , reasonably fast paced games. This allows usually between 8 - 12 games in a day. The walkon have always had the choice of the game styles and i always get the same answer "just shoot em" . . . . its a simple bunch we have down here haha !
I PERSONALLY think ( these are my views and have nothing to do with any companys or other parties) the whole big game scene has been flooded with too many arguments and politics, walkons are exactly that, turn up play and go home with no commitments no rows and no b**ls**t
I would love to run more 'mission style' games but these seem to have little appeal to anyone out there ( maby its just my crap missions )
As i said just my opinions probably mean nothing to no one :sleep:


da puffmeister
Jul 12, 2001
Hi ginge I hear exactly what you are saying. hadn't been to mayhem since I can't remember when I played pump and bought a Sam patriot from the shop.

Have to be honest I have avoided your site for walkons in the past because of the site paint only rule. However I got coaxed up there for your big game. It's the first scenario game I've actually

I haven't had such a great days ball in years atmosphere was great and the site amazing. I don't think it would matter what kind of game you ran there, with the set up you have and the people you have attracted to the Walkon I will be back as soon as I have recovered.
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Here let me wipe my balls off your face.
Jul 10, 2011
The three B's are king.

Banter,BBQ and BOOBS

however thinking the boobs might not go down so well with the moms of the younger ones. i prefer short fast paced games where i can see paint flying over my head and when seeing your mate fall over a root and get shot up is Hilarious without some super serious weekend warrior slagging him off for giving away our position.


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
well i can safely say that playing in Scotland doesn't have regular big games sitting out the back door and since i primarily plan for the cpps series then a walk on for me is meant to be 100% hassle free fun. so for me my best experiences have came from several shorter games and one slightly longer game 30min-1hr max. as someone above mentioned when you can put that into place on a well built site with some decent features then that is a winning combination for me. obviously if you can incorporate better facilities that is a bonus but keeping things simple is the best way to have a laugh.