HI guys, just read through the post and thought id add my 2ps worth

I run a walkon at Mayhem Essex and have done for the past 3 years now, the numbers attending have steadly grown over the past years. This year we havent yet had under 40 players (i believe) with 2 months our numbers 70 +. I strictly run old skul shoot em games, no missions, no objectives , reasonably fast paced games. This allows usually between 8 - 12 games in a day. The walkon have always had the choice of the game styles and i always get the same answer "just shoot em" . . . . its a simple bunch we have down here haha !
I PERSONALLY think ( these are my views and have nothing to do with any companys or other parties) the whole big game scene has been flooded with too many arguments and politics, walkons are exactly that, turn up play and go home with no commitments no rows and no b**ls**t
I would love to run more 'mission style' games but these seem to have little appeal to anyone out there ( maby its just my crap missions )
As i said just my opinions probably mean nothing to no one