well the top end £1000+ choices are geo3.5/LV1 from PE, Dye Dm15, Empire Vanquish 2.0, Luxe 2.0. Personal choice would probably be Geo 3.5, did own a Luxe which has a slightly nicer shot but way less efficient than 3.5. Currently own an LV1 though and its a fantastic gun.
Empire vanquish basically works like a luxe so also a great gun, but the DM15 does have really nice ergonomics, probably the best, so every gun has its merits!
Just to note you have bob long who make high end guns but the UK support is next to none so i wouldnt take it just on the off chance something goes wrong.
at the Mid range I'd probably say the new axe pro is going to be the best out there, has all the features you'd really want in a gun and the axe itself shoots quite well, and with the redesigned gripframe and trigger guard i expect it to be quite nice in the hands. However a serious contender is the planet eclipse Etha, its quite literally half the price of an axe, and with the exception of an oled screen, it has an on/off asa, clamping feedneck, accessible eyes and an almost identical firing system to the axe so is a great investment. in fact the etha is that good its what i supply my university society with, and the members love them.
the invert mini GScompetes in this price range but to be honest, for the extra £50 or so you don't get anything more than the etha and personally when playing with it its so short i actually struggle to shoot well with it.
as for entry gun, I'd say the etha dominates this area since i'd say it even competes with the mid range markers, you could look at something like the gog extcy but its a very basic gun for the same money as an etha.
So there's my top to bottom! hope its interesting to consider