I'm not sure people love haemorrhoid cream do they ?
Pete. You are of course, totally oblivious to the fact that I am currently, midway through a cold.
However, the above comment did force me to eject a string of semi clear, bubbling snot over my keyboard.
This will not be an easy clean up...
Love is a very powerful thing, one of the most powerful "forces" (yeah I know hence "") of nature, yet is so difficult to quantify, if it is even possible.
It can rapidly reduce a real "Man's Man", to a blubbering whelp.
From my own point of view, in can turn me from a pretty level headed and sensible guy, into a totally irrational, spontaneous pr!ck AND a blubbering whelp.
As the OP is a teenager, it will be impossible to understand "Love" in the way that it is commonly meant, for a partner or child...as well as that they are two different things, but also the same thing.
I think Pete, commented something similar, in that a teenager might well be able to draw on feelings of love for a parent, brother / sister etc.
However, I think teenagers/young people, are too busy being teenagers and "hating" their parents/brother/sister on and off. It would usually take something (sadly) tragic, to awaken true feelings of platonic love.
True feelings of love, both platonic and "the other type" are as much about feelings of loss of a person as they are about having a person in your life.
Joni Mitchell said it well in,
Big Yellow Taxi.
"Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got, till it's gone?"
Or, Memphis Raines (Nicolas Cage, Gone in 60 Seconds)
"Without disappointment, you cannot appreciate victory"
Might have been said by someone else before it made its way into the script!
I'm not just randomly quoting the entertainment industry here though.
The point is the duality of Love. Pleasure and pain, having and losing. You can't appreciate pleasure, unless you know what pain is. You can't appreciate, or may no even realise "Love", until you lose, or come close to losing, the person your feelings are directed at.
Love is very primal, in that in life, there are certain things that you HAVE to have. Air, water, food, warmth and so on. You will give your last ounce of energy to maintain these things, because you simply have to have them...you can't help it.
Such is the way with Love.
This is not to be confused with an infatuation or a selfish desire. When your primal instinct takes over in Love, you are fighting to protect what essentially, is an extension of yourself. Not trying to possess something because you WANT them, as in an infatuation. Infatuation, is commonly misinterpreted as love, especially amongst teenagers and young people.
Many of the feelings that come with Love, are also experienced in an infatuation. A real and present
wanting, of another person. It may even be shared by both persons, but this is not love.
Love is,
(for those of you that remember)

...like comfy shoes. You just fit together. Something about that person (hopefully more than one thing!) just feels right to you and fits well with you.
It may come to the two people in the relationship at different times.
Mrs Skeet for example. She had two children before we were together, so she knew what real feelings of love were. I however, cannot say that I knew what love was.
Mrs Skeet told me, some time after the fact, that she first knew how she felt...get this...when she visited the toilet in her house, after me and realised I had changed the loo roll!
Yup, being considerate when I use a bog, has got me married with 4 kids. What did I say at the beginning?
"Love is a very powerful thing"
So yeah, she had these feelings of love, before I knew I had them for her. So of course she had then sailed on, aboard the Love Boat and I jumped on board once I knew what was happening.
Very glad I did not miss that boat.
So yeah...erm...not really sure if any of that has made sense at all, I just rambled a bit.
Besides, if I could quantify love...I wouldn't be a telephone engineer!
Now to clean that snot up....