Sweet.To be honest, i'm game as well.
In the interest of discussion, and in the general sense of what a forum is for (sharing our veiws), 'keeping it to myself' would appear to be a dumb move. People don't go on forums so that they can keep their views to themselves. Wouldn't you agree?You have a problem with my post? Keep it to yourself.
You also said this:
which let me to believe you were welcoming views, and that you might not want people to keep said views to themselves. These thoughts were further backed up when you said:Anyone else got a view on this?
By 'everyone elses', I had presumed I was included.I gave my views in a couple of posts earlier in the thread which i was given credit for by Buddha, but i do respect yours and everyone else's opinions on the subject,
I am not saying you are correct and thankfully no-one else is. I believe the opposite to be closer to the truth. However, when you said this...I posted my opinion, at no point did i state this was the answer, i simply gave my opinion and asked others their opinions. Find me a quote where i stated that i am physically correct and all other answers are wrong please. ,
...you qualified your opinion and let James know that this was the closest anaswer he was likely to get, and took credit for the 'help' you gave him.Think this just about hits the nail on the head or is the closest you are going to get to an answer James. Hormones and lust as well as the conception that you "need" a partner and there is the "one" out there.
Well im all done on the subject. Hope i helped in one way or another.
Below you state your opinion that you are qualified to provide the 'meaning of love'
Here you also rationalise your case, which is that you believe that by listening to other peoples issues (specifically a 17 yr old friend who has proved his worldliness by having a kid) you are equipped to have a 'fairly decent grasp' of love for partners.I personally would disagree. Im 17 and believe i have a fairly decent grasp of the concept of "love" for partners. I think if someone in there teens has had experiences perhaps not personally but through other people and their relationships, they can have a good view on relationships and love.
My argument here is that you don't, and the fact that you think you do is laughable to me. This forms the basis of my 'pisstake', as I would be more inclined to get relationship advice from Britney Spears than you. You have no qualifications in this regard, and nor does any other person your age. That is a fact that you may not appreciate until you're older, and some kid tries to convince you that they know what their talking about (when you know full well that they don't). This obvious disdain I have for your credentials when it comes to life experience would appear to be the source of your umbridge, and yet I have a feeling that this is the area you are simply not going to 'get'. In your defence, perhaps at your age I would not 'get it' either, however this does not effect the stone-cold fact that you are professing to knowledge that you simply are not in a position to have.
'Know it all' is an expression, and not an indicator that the person in question actually 'knows it all', in fact the opposite is generally more obvious in cases where this expression is used.Another point, in no way have i stated i "know it all". This is one subject and one alone, therefore how that makes ME believe i know everything i am unsure, i know some things about stuff. This topic i simply stated my views, yet you do seem to enjoy "poking fun at a 17yr old know-it-all punk" as otherwise, you would not have bothered becoming so sarcastic. You seem to yourself believe you know it all and that everything else others post is inferior, try not to post and be so contemptuous about other views.
'Punk' is the term I use for people who I believe to be a 'punk'. It doesn't have anything to do with Punk-Rock.
"and believe this enables you to both qualify what 'love' is (ridiculous) and also to help middle-aged (being kind to a few here) married men to understand their own emotions." Another point, at no point did i state i was giving a correct answer, neither did i suggest that i am trying to help middle aged men i.e James who is also 17 understand their emotions, this would be pointless as you have kindly pointed out, i am 17 and gladly admit that i do not fully understand this emotion, how can i at my age?.
Kinda my point, and yet you let James know above that the answer provided to his question was 'hitting the nail on the head', and 'as close to an answer' as he should expect... if, as you now say, you don't fully understand the emotion (and therefore the question) at your age, which is actually making my whole point for me, how are you qualified to let James know if the answer that someone else provided is right or not?
At least half you're contribution related to nowt on the subject, instead you choose to comment other people's views. .
Mainly yours, but yes, I did both. What's the problem?
Yes, fair warning I think. I didn't attack you in the thread, I just made fun of you. At the stage where you decided to make s stand I wanted to give you another opportunity to accept the fact that you don't know what you're talking about. Strangely enough, you decided to debate with me, and then, in your opening salvo, confirmed that you are not qualified to post on the subject, which kinda stole my thunder, as that was the reason I was making fun of you - because you were claiming that your 2nd hand experience was valid.And to be honest you call me cocky? "Listen, if you want to have a row, I'm definitely game, but I won't be holding anything back, so I'll let you decide for yourself if you think it's a good idea or not.
Enough said.
As far as I can tell, to win the debate, you need to show how you are qualified to state your veiws on love and not have them questioned, OR show that your views should not be questioned by me. Do you think it's unfair that I think your views on the subject are crap? Then tell me why, don't just hide behind rightious indignation. This is Brain-box.