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what happened at elsham at the weekend


Retired tattooed lout!
Depending how far teams are prepared to travel for this little indoor luxury - there are a number or indoor site in the UK, i know there is one that has been opened in Birmingham - hey being indoors you might be able to save on the hire of the cherry picker;)

But being indoors will quicken the concept even more which in my book is one of the main selling points of this event, and for something which is rumoured to possibly have television coverage in the future, isn't the little extra for hire of the indoor site worth it?


Feb 13, 2003
Paintball's retirement community
Here is a taster of the DVD.

It's 35 seconds long but still 30mb as I wanted to keep the quality.

This is where I need your help. This clip has the main arena and then 2 secondary screens, each showing one player in close up.

Bare in mind that this is a completely unpolished and raw vid. What I want to know is, do the two screens with close ups detract from the game itself or add to the viewing.

We need to look at this from a players point of view as well as the point of view of someone who has never played paintball before.

Please right click on the link and "Save link as"



knee is broken again :[
Dec 3, 2004
West Mids
As per what iain says rob, except i'm thinking it would look much better on a full-size TV.


Feb 13, 2003
Paintball's retirement community
It's basically a 1-on-1 format, with the allocated game time per player being 90 seconds (was 30, but it's being revised).
During that time you can win the game in one of 3 ways, you can

A) Shoot your opponent for 20 points
B) Time him out behind a bunker for 20 points (will explain in a bit
C) Score a buzzer hit for 30 points

The idea is that as soon as a player stops moving & using a bunker (whether directly 'in' a bunker, or, in a blind lane) a countdown of 10 seconds begins. If the player hasn't moved out of the bunker within the 10 seconds, he is eliminated. The field is slightly longer than a 7-man field, but only 1/2 the width. There is a 40' long bunker-free zone in the centre of the field. In this 'exclusion zone' is a buzzer, mounted on a pole. If you manage too press the buzzer, before you shoot your opponent & before he shoots you, you are awarded the maximum game points (30)

Basically, the whole format was devised to make paintball more televisable, ie; having a focal point (the buzzer) and also making it more of a combat sport, with much less for the viewer to get confused by (14 people all running around in a, seemingly, random fasion)
It also was designed as a training-aid, due to the fact that it encompasses all of the most important aspects of gameplay, (with the exception of teamplay) ie; running & shooting, moving whilst under fire, bunker suppression, lane/zone shooting, spacial awareness, field domination etc...

It is a very simple game to play, by which I mean there are very few rules. The actual gameplay itself is probably faster & more intense than anything you've played before (except possibly pro-level X-Ball!)

Cheating is virtually impossible. There are 2 marshalls per player on the field at any one time, plus a field ultimate. Gun cheats are (meaning BPS ramping) pointless as the game time is so short & the onus is placed on movement, rather than out & out gunfighting, that anything more than a hopper is almost un-nescessarry. Only one person has potted up during the 2 tryouts we've had so far & to be fair, that was right at the end of the game!
The format is unlimited paint, but more than 1 pot & a hopper full would be almost physically impossible.

I have tried to explain the game as best as I possibly can, but, it plays far, far better than I could ever describe.

We will be holding 1 more tryout event, for the cameras, early in the new year, hopefull with the use of an indoor facility this time.
Either I, or Bully will post in the Tournament section when we have a date & venue sorted out for that.