I'm just greedy
I ( and the missus ) own 2 Fly2 Angels on Angel Air.
1 Angel Led on Angel Air.
1 V.old mini cocker on Co2.
and 1 Brand new Eclipse Cocker on Angel Air.
I have not had chance to play with the eclipse yet ( as im still waiting for it to be delivered ) but I love Cockers. I also love the Fly's too , they rock.
AS for most popular marker , of all the people I know , and the majority of tourny teams i'd say its near on a dead heat between Cocker and Angel , then its a pretty even game between the rest. Mags are high up though , if you lump together all the original mags , the RT mags and now the E-Mags.
By the way , if anyone wants the angel Led with Air ( low pressure internals , double trigger etc , its for sale. £550 will buy it ). e-mail
see ya