And the best auction was when me and Cowboy did it. Or when I auctioned my Box of Muck 'n' Tat for £46, whihc is good considering it was full of, well, tat.
that would be when Jud 'won' the mystery bits and bobs box! i have no idea what was in it tho.....
the following year he 'won' 2 man thongs (£50 ish i think), stripped off and streaked the auction wearing a horse 'pouch' then auctioned his underwear which cook$ ended up wearing on stage for the rest of the night until somone decided it would be a good idea to pour a pint into them then pursuade a very pissed Tomo to wear them on the dance floor!
also have a strage recollection of cook$ wearing Juds pants and a straw hat sat on Ledz knee while Ledz licked his nipple!
was very scary the next morning waking up in the same bed as Jud, he was still wearing the thong and had his arm around me....i was covered in chicken soup because apparently it was funny to put food on me while i was drunk.....and stevo was unconsious on the sofa bed in the corner stark bollock naked holding a porno....amazingly the team played very well the 2nd day because the hang overs werent as bad as the morning before!
on the saturday morning we had to wake Lewis up to play the first game, he threw up in the start gate and it wasnt till after lunch he realised Jud had shaved his eye brows off, while his dad took pics!
good times