It was a great day .. too bad those pesky rebels got the Death Star first

I for one loved the day and being apart of the Sith Squad was great fun. I helped set up the day before and on the day and played for the rest of the day. Alot of work went into the day and I think it's all paid off.
Thanks to 6E(

) - Gillie and Hatts , Bully, Paintball Park, the trade stands, the players and everyone else who help to make the day work.
Also a special mention for the Tuskin Raiders as they all played exceptionally well, and really took the roles to heart.
At the scheduled assault of the Sith base the rebels had recruited both sets of bounty hunters and had a huge force rampaging towards the Sith base. The Tuskin's were sat ontop of a hill watching. The Tuskin's decided to help the rebels

!! .. forced their way into the sith base, anhiliting all empire, but that wasn't enoug so they decided to attack the rebel's and bounty hunters from the fortified postion

and beat them all ! YAY

Wonderfull day, hope to see you all again soon.