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Weekend Warriors "walk On"


Pball & Poontang.Nuf Said
I have nothing bad to say about weekend warriors especially keith he helped me when my marker went down and fixed the problem immediatly for me. As for paint i saw him changing someones box immediatly on request. and as for the price
its 35 at reading and the other site that was mentioned by darkstranger said it was 35 pounds also. I was at weekend warriors at the beginning of the month and im going to southampton on the 27th
and pete sounded like a top bloke over the phone when i reserved my place so the powers that be at these sites are both
sound imo. southampton do have a temp controlled room for the paint and reading dont(i think) this may go to explain some complaints. Thanks for listening.

Kitten Katcher

trappeur de chates
Oct 23, 2003
Hampshire (NOT Portsmouth)
I've been to Weekend Warriors many times and had great fun, every time.
Similarly, I've been to the Southampton Paintball Park three times now and had equally good fun each time.
I feel a bit bad about not going to WW any more, but the main reason for that is because Southampton is much closer to my home.
Both sites are very good - but the Southampton scenarios are just a little bit more interesting.
Keith is a top bloke though! :cool:


Semi *** member
Jul 6, 2001

I spoke to Rob today as i was curious why someone had accused his site of things i know not to be true and it turns out this guy not only turned up on a non walk on day (better known as a Punter hunter )with his own marker thinking he`s Rambo or something so the paint would be dearer than a Walk on day!!,
but after trying to resolve all this guys problems he then bounces his card payment!,I think this is enough to explain what kind of IDIOT we are dealing with here!!!!....

So enough said I`ll stop ranting now.

Ps I`ll be training at Weekend Warriors next month as even though its 90 miles from me ,Its always a good day out.
Darren, you obviously lack any knowledge regarding consumer law. Here is a couple of points just for you. (consumer law for to*sers)

SLANDER - A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel.

libel which I believe you are refering to in your first post is the law which covers making written statements that are false.

They are not false statements they are factual.

The paintballs were not fit for the purpose they were intended, see below:-

fit for the purpose.
This means that if you ask for something for a particular purpose, the goods must be capable of fulfilling that purpose. The goods must also be fit for any purpose for which that type of goods are usually sold.



Semi *** member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by Dark Stranger
Darren, you obviously lack any knowledge regarding consumer law. Here is a couple of points just for you. (consumer law for to*sers)

SLANDER - A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel.

libel which I believe you are refering to in your first post is the law which covers making written statements that are false.

They are not false statements they are factual. Wrong!

The paintballs were not fit for the purpose they were intended, see below:-

fit for the purpose.
This means that if you ask for something for a particular purpose, the goods must be capable of fulfilling that purpose. The goods must also be fit for any purpose for which that type of goods are usually sold.

You must be very anal And sad check you messages

Oh enjoy your court appearance!!!!!.............lol

Bored now ,off to smoke someone else.


Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by DARREN
You must be very anal And sad check you messages

Oh enjoy your court appearance!!!!!.............lol

Bored now ,off to smoke someone else.
Court apperance, for what ?? Saying what he thought rather than keep it hiden like most people that dont like a site .

I have nothing against any1 from weekend warriors or paintball direct but i think people should be allowed to state if they found a site to be good or bad and give a justified reason as to why ,Which Dark Stranger has done

Regards Nathan :)


Semi *** member
Jul 6, 2001
Nathan a word of advice ,stay out of this !
Like the man said this is going to get Legal besides which his personal E-mails make most stimulating reading.

Oh and as far as still being at school I know i`m at least 10 years older than Mr Fisher


New Member
Feb 26, 2005
Visit site
I have not been on the forum very long and have only been playing since Christmas.

It seems that Darren is just digging a hole for himself, the guy has made a justified comment about the site. This is a public forum and he is free to do so.

For someone who is supposed to be an adult, you write like a child Darren.