if you play on a cold day and your CO2 gets colder each time you shoot, and your using an electro marker, it may not work at all!
some of the electronic circuits inside depend on having certain, constant, resistor values, if you cool or freeze a resistor, its resistance changes.
Each time you shoot a CO2 powered gun, its turns the liquid in the bottle into vapour, now doing this requires energy, and metal is a good conductor of heat, (it can transfer heat from A to B quickly!), so the liquid takes any heat, which is a form of energy (if you didn't know), out of the bottle and
its surroundings inculding your marker. so your marker will get cooler too. if it is already a cold day, each time you fire your marker, your marker is gonna get colder!
"Nice", you might think, "it'll work faster cos theres no resistance in the circuit!"
But if the wrong voltage is going to the wrong place in the circuit, or the current is too low to power your solenoids, then you better hit the bench early and remeber to use air next time!
or just use a mechcanical.