Tommy Gun-Nexus

Hermitt - I have never once to anyone denied the fact that i played for Bugout. I am also very gratefull to everyone, with Bugout at the time that joined, who gave me the chance to play tourney paintball. I will never forget what all you guys did for me and all the stuff that i learned playing for Bugout.
All i was refering to in my previous post is that we keep getting mistaken for bugout, when at a tourney with Knights. Its happened a few times at the temple and it also happened at the Wurzel bash.
It jus gets annoying when you are trying to build a team image and reputation, that you get mistaken for another team. No doughtly cos of mine, chrises and gregs bugout conections.
No disrespect to Bugout!!!
****, ive never written so much...
L8trz mate
All i was refering to in my previous post is that we keep getting mistaken for bugout, when at a tourney with Knights. Its happened a few times at the temple and it also happened at the Wurzel bash.
It jus gets annoying when you are trying to build a team image and reputation, that you get mistaken for another team. No doughtly cos of mine, chrises and gregs bugout conections.
No disrespect to Bugout!!!
****, ive never written so much...
L8trz mate