Originally posted by Philip
Im pretty sure the world ended in '99-00 according to nostrodamus. Well, i can honestly say i am pretty alive.
How do you know we're not all dead already and this is really the afterlife? I for one can't remember that much about what happened new years eve 1999. Mind you that could have been stimulent induced.
Seriph mate ignore all this hidden meaning in the bible crap, if you use the right programs you can find useful messages in any book, yes even Posh spices biography.[ which as it would happen is 'I'm a stuck up bitch whos so up my own arse, eventually I will dissappear] The Kennedy bit was amusing to say the least. By serching for just the name kennedy he came up with something like 'he will die' [or was that the hidden meaning in Moby Dick], Knowing the Kennedy families ill fated past, it could have meant any of them and after all are they not all going to die at some point.
The wingdings hidden meaning thing is the spooky one though, type NYC into word and then change the font to wingdings. Strange aint it? [No offence meant by this bit of information]
Right I'm gonna push the boat out now and upset any sky-pilots amongst us. People take to much notice of religous writings, thinking the holy books are the do all and end all. They are not can you not see them for what they really are the ancient worlds version of lord of the Rings. They are just a group of stories grouped together, the old testiment is the worst of them all. Thats just a group of fables that have been retold by word of mouth and then brought together in a kind of 1001 arabian knights format.
The equivelent is in 2000 years the Inhabitents of earth using Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as religous scripture.
Right thats My 2p worth I'm now off on my pilgramage to Norway to look for this 'Made by Slartibartfast' plaque.