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Warped Rec ball Day 20th July

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
well theres no possible way for me to get there. its also a week after my holiday so i'll probably be shattered.
i'll put the money towards gettin a viking. very interested in one.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
still got the fugly cocker. right next to me in fact.
ive had a go on a viking, really like it, and the fact that theres no way i can manage to make it break. i do like a timmy, but they are bit too expensive as im hoping that after my holiday, i will have enough for a new air system as well.
p.s did you get the email i sent about inter town cup. sent it thu here, so dunno what address it is to i dunno.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
not gonna be until end of july, august at earliest, and i was thinking of asking you seeing as you had some before. was thinking angel AIR or max flow. not sure yet. but will definitely be in touch.
all of this is depending on amount i can bring back from holiday, whether i get a student account(overdraft :D) and the matter of getting 500quid for 7 days work.
cheers anyway jedi master.


Mile High Club
Oct 21, 2002
Birmingham, UK
Visit site
Anybody else interested in this event, still places left to make the day complete. Was in talks down the site yesterday with a couple of the game organisers and they are looking forward to it. So lets get a few more down there, and make this a big event with an easy going game plan.

Played a few games around the enclaves of big game 2k3, but this time it was a little quieter than 4th May :)

Good days all round, and this one can only be better. Walk On's have returned to Warped for one reason, to make sure that Rec Ball stays as a game format enjoyed by many.

So lets show some support and get plenty of people down to make it an event to remember on the rec ball calender. :)

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Originally posted by ChrisWhiteSTEL
Anybody else interested in this event, still places left to make the day complete. Was in talks down the site yesterday with a couple of the game organisers and they are looking forward to it. So lets get a few more down there, and make this a big event with an easy going game plan.

Played a few games around the enclaves of big game 2k3, but this time it was a little quieter than 4th May :)

Good days all round, and this one can only be better. Walk On's have returned to Warped for one reason, to make sure that Rec Ball stays as a game format enjoyed by many.

So lets show some support and get plenty of people down to make it an event to remember on the rec ball calender. :)
I wholeheartedly agree
(I just need to send my deposit off now)