Great game, guys! Thanks to all of you that threw yourselves into the action with reckless abandon on Saturday, as a result we all enjoyed a day of hard fought and close-matched games; plenty of sneaky, sneaky and lashings of Halloween uberviolence!
As far as the "Re-infection" part of Plague 2 went, it was a close-run thing, with both the Infected (zombies) and Unit 28 (Plague suppression militia) fighting for victory right up to the final minutes of the last game. It could have been anyone’s game right to the end and that was definitely down to the quality of the play.
The overall objective, of course, was to control the spread of the mutated Plague; achieved by completing mission objectives throughout the game sessions. Unit 28's achievements contributing to the DECREASE of the epidemic's growth, and the Infected's successes RAISING the epidemic growth rate.
Session 1
The Infected (red team) took an early lead in the first session, storming down alternate flanks of the field with coordinated aggression that pushed Unit 28 (yellow team) into the rear of the field and firmly onto the defensive. Being unbalanced, Unit 28 clung to their positions and marshalled a steady counter attack that slowly pushed the Infected back and gave them chance to redress the balance, culling zombies with prejudice.
The first session ended with Unit 28 cleansing 1 of the 3 virus hot-spots, no Infected hearts sterilised and 115 Infected culled; lowering the Epidemic Growth rate by 135%. On the other hand the Infected had been busy spreading the Plague, preserving the virus in 2 of the hot-spots, consuming 1 of the Infected hearts, and creating 122 disease carriers; resulting in a raise of the Epidemic Growth of 172%. With both teams efforts taken into account the epidemic’s growth stood at +37% at the end of the first session, leaving the Infected in the lead and Unit 28 on the ropes.
Session 2
The Infected capitalised on their advantage, kicking off session 2 with a quick break down the cliff face, Alpha zombies in tow, and straight into the Unit 28 fire-team, stealthing across the flank to cleanse the Infected nests. A prolonged and savage fire fight ensued, both teams forced to fight hard for every inch of progress.
On the other side of the game, Unit 28 were determinedly advancing on the Infected nest. The zombies on the cliff top raining fire down on them from above, the Unit 28 players were forced to move up in waves, suffering major losses to get a few brave souls into position to make a run at the objective. Eventually this paid off and the nest was cleansed and the Infected were hemmed in at the top of the cliff.
After a hard fight with neither team making progress without major opposition, Unit 28 took the session, lowering the Epidemic Growth rate by 101% compared to the Infected raise in the Growth of 85%. The militia victory, although lowering the total Epidemic Growth to 21% still left the Infected in the lead with the Plague in positive growth. Unit 28 needed to pull off a big win in the next session to bring the Plague under control.
Session 3
With this firmly in mind, both teams got their heads together and hit the ground running for game session 3. Two timed napalm charges lay on the field, Unit 28 needing to capture these and move them into precise position before detonation; in order to sterilise the facility grounds.
The Infected, determined to prevent this, hit the first detonation position hard, their strategy being to occupy the location with sheer weight of numbers and force of fire power. Unit 28, having captured the first charge in short order, had ALSO moved a heavy hitting fire-team onto the occupied position and the dogs of war were unleashed. 20 minutes of exchange came to an awesome conclusion when Unit 28, spearheaded a full bore charge onto position Alpha, breaking over the Infected defenders in an irresistible wave...the battle cries of the combatants and the chatter of the gun-fire was heard from one end of the field to the was the detonation of the first successfully positioned charge.
Aware that everything now hung in the balance, the Infected had obtained the second charge and, after a thwarted outflanking attempt, dug in and defended the objective with the full weight of their team and a grim visage...they were only too aware that Unit 28 HAD to come through them to win the game and that a storm of fire was incoming. Unit 28 didn’t disappoint and tried every trick in the book to shift the entrenched zombies; paint rained down on them from every angle but the Infected held firm, returned fire and matched the yellow team trick for trick. The second charge detonated OUT of position, thanks to some astute work from the Infected. Leaving Unit 28 with 1 out of 2 objectives completed.
As a result of their hard work, Unit 28 had racked up 103 points to the Infected’s 127, resulting in an overall Epidemic Growth Rate of + 45%. Unit 28 had failed to control the outbreak and another Plague, mutated into an even more virulent strain than before is on the rise.
Shout-outs are also due to the award winners of the day:
Unit 28 Player of the Day: Jake Fraser. A Plague legend in his own right, Jake is a screaming mass of fun loving field leadership! Instigating the guys around him to get involved and leading from the front, but never forgetting that it’s all about fun, Jake is truly “Warped” and we salute you!
Infected Player of the Day: David Howard. If a charge at 25 enemy guns, purely to motivate your team to get moving isn’t truly inspired zombie behaviour, what is? An awesome show of contempt for the enemy followed by a comedy Platoon moment. Great stuff!
Famous Last Stand: Frosty. After being cold-cocked and escaping a mugging by SHEER luck, Frosty pulled a pistol on his mugger and got the kill. Definitely worthy of being a famous last stand...and also comedy kill (if we did an award for that)!
Best Dressed Player: Joe Peck. He WAS an umbrella foot soldier (ala Resident Evil)! The attention to detail was incredible, even down to an identity badge...PLUS it looked great on the field – even his gogs were part of the costume! You have definitely raised the bar for next year, Joe.
It was a pleasure to look after you all and watch some real characters (the mad-ass CMEN boys, amongst many others

) bring a fun vibe to the mix, and see some well coordinated crews (Stingers, SWAT, and others) really work hard to change the state of play whenever it looked like there was an opening.
Will humanity survive a second holocaust? The prognosis is unlikely but only time will tell; the next chapter of this gruesome story will unfold in 12 months; how will YOU influence the developments in Plague 3?