Well, it was called Christmas Carnage and you guys DEFINITELY brought the Carnage!
An absolutely great day and although it was a tad chilly (read: effing freezing), the arctic warfare in the snow definitely added a Christmassy feel
Thanks to all of you hardcore ballers that braved the conditions and made Christmas well and truly Warped; you all got totally stuck in and we had some great games. Shout outs to all of you that also fancy dressed for the occasion, it added a whole new level of Surrealism to watch a Christmas tree, a turkey, and Scooby Doo (and that’s just the ones I can remember!) all trying to well and truly muller anyone that came into range.
Big respect goes out to Steve “Pyro” Piatt and Chris “Mini-marra” Dodds. Both generals did a great job of leading you into battle; backing up all of their slap talk of the last few weeks with a good dose of leading from the front and providing us with some really entertaining moments on the field and in the challenge arena. You only have to look at the pictures (check out Facebook) to see that these guys went truly above and beyond to fulfil their roles and earn the right to call themselves “King of Cosford”! A good many of the games (quite rightly) made the general a focus as the mission objective or for scoring bonus points; not once did either of these fellas shy away from putting themselves in harms way to show you all that they have what it takes. Fair play, lads!
As always, the quality of play was excellent; everyone played hard but fair, with a smile on their face in real spirit of festive fun. Games were really hard fought and both teams acquitted themselves exceptionally well; the teams fought themselves to a standstill on more than one game, with victory going to those that dug deep and went the extra mile in the closing moments or pulled off a piece of well-timed sneaky genius.
The Pyro’s team took an early (if slim) lead in the morning after a some determined play of the Hardball game and they managed to maintain it for the majority of the day, fighting hard to keep Dodsy’s boys at bay. This situation reversed in the penultimate game, with the Mini-Marra and his crew managing to assassinate Steve Piatt and taking the lead going into the last game; the Generals’ Flag Run. With a massive amount of ground to cover both generals put sound tactical plans into practice but the speed and Ninja skills of Dodsy and a small crew of hand-picked body guards brought victory to the Mini-Marra. He snuck around the Pyro’s defences and posted his flag firmly in his nemesis’ base!
Which leaves the title (and trophy) of “King of Cosford” in the hands of Chris “Mini-Marra” Dodds; a victory hard-earned and well-won; we salute you! Well done to you all – players, generals, challenge champions- you made Christmas well and truly Warped! More than one Christmas Carnage record was broken (1st EVER generals surrender: Steve “Pyro” Piatt; Most paintballs eaten: Sam and Ryan – joint holders) and we look forward to breaking a few more next year
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all friends of Warped, we’ll be back with Swarm 2 in late February, more information will be released soon!
An absolutely great day and although it was a tad chilly (read: effing freezing), the arctic warfare in the snow definitely added a Christmassy feel
Big respect goes out to Steve “Pyro” Piatt and Chris “Mini-marra” Dodds. Both generals did a great job of leading you into battle; backing up all of their slap talk of the last few weeks with a good dose of leading from the front and providing us with some really entertaining moments on the field and in the challenge arena. You only have to look at the pictures (check out Facebook) to see that these guys went truly above and beyond to fulfil their roles and earn the right to call themselves “King of Cosford”! A good many of the games (quite rightly) made the general a focus as the mission objective or for scoring bonus points; not once did either of these fellas shy away from putting themselves in harms way to show you all that they have what it takes. Fair play, lads!
As always, the quality of play was excellent; everyone played hard but fair, with a smile on their face in real spirit of festive fun. Games were really hard fought and both teams acquitted themselves exceptionally well; the teams fought themselves to a standstill on more than one game, with victory going to those that dug deep and went the extra mile in the closing moments or pulled off a piece of well-timed sneaky genius.
The Pyro’s team took an early (if slim) lead in the morning after a some determined play of the Hardball game and they managed to maintain it for the majority of the day, fighting hard to keep Dodsy’s boys at bay. This situation reversed in the penultimate game, with the Mini-Marra and his crew managing to assassinate Steve Piatt and taking the lead going into the last game; the Generals’ Flag Run. With a massive amount of ground to cover both generals put sound tactical plans into practice but the speed and Ninja skills of Dodsy and a small crew of hand-picked body guards brought victory to the Mini-Marra. He snuck around the Pyro’s defences and posted his flag firmly in his nemesis’ base!
Which leaves the title (and trophy) of “King of Cosford” in the hands of Chris “Mini-Marra” Dodds; a victory hard-earned and well-won; we salute you! Well done to you all – players, generals, challenge champions- you made Christmas well and truly Warped! More than one Christmas Carnage record was broken (1st EVER generals surrender: Steve “Pyro” Piatt; Most paintballs eaten: Sam and Ryan – joint holders) and we look forward to breaking a few more next year
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all friends of Warped, we’ll be back with Swarm 2 in late February, more information will be released soon!