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Warped Mercs Woodland Scenario Team


'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
who said anything about camo paint? (or should that be....painting with camo paint?...I'll go get you a tin of my very finest tartan paint too if you want!!)

recon...lead from the front.....hooyarr....'n' all that jazz.....like I said already...MIL SIM/AIRSOFT

I may even turn up at lunchtime of the next club day just to hear your talk on camo & tactics etc steve;)
Why dont you try and make it the whole day so you can play paintball....might be more fun...now what I mean?

Anyway....bored now so will leave you too it.

BIG GAME 007 WILL ROCK (also will be fun!!)

Watch out for the mercs....there one mean bunch of mofo's!!

EDIT: Steve... think you need to get out more matey


May 2, 2005
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try going outside of your comfort zone of telford or the warped big game then...LOL:D

Play the whole day..... i think i left the big game last year about 30 minutes before the end after playing all day.....:confused: :confused:

I think that must have been when you just woke up ;) ;)

If you think you can take the challenge step up to the mark.....

I'm sure that there will be a few "Ladeeeeyz" who can take you on...;)


'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
Since when was telford a comfort zone? as you really dont know me steve....please dont try and comment on stuff you know dick about!!

play the whole day......who cares...I was well wrecked by the end, mainly due to the fact I was so langered the night before...but hey... I had fun. Who gives a flying hoot what you got up too?

As for stepping up to the challenge...there is no challenge. I play paintball for fun when i'm in the woods....nothing else. I dont need you or anyone else to 'motivate' me with the promise of lunchtime talks on camo etc...I PLAY FOR FUN!!

I'm sure there will be a few laydeeeez......come take me on at your peril, specially the GENESIS GIRLS:) bur remember...

I'm a married man!!!

NOW.......as for the mercs....I was one of the origionals at the 06 big game, although not one prior to that. Thats one for the sarge + CO.;)

If I thought for one minute that the mercs would be a team that where up for a laugh as well as playing some ball then I would commit, but (as the lack of progress shows)....there is little to entice me to do so in the current climate. May I ask if Shinpad, Picasso and Stef are all committed to your band of 'misfits'?


May 2, 2005
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It is meant to be fun yes... but why would i want to know you personally any way????:confused:

We are trying to get people who want to play in big games and represent the club away from Cosford and the warped big game so why go on about where you work???

What talk on camo at lunchtime????.... if you bothered to read the warped forum properly people were asking if we were going to get some camo gear???? paint was what you assumed we were going to talk about.:mad:

Tactics is what Parksey is going over, and if you read that thread (which i think you must because of the comments) you will see that it was to meat some of the people who want to join and can't make the 4th Feb.:mad:

Lack of progress..... well it is because people only want to be merc's when it suits them that stops any progress, we have had abuot 15 people who want to join and so out of about 60 from the big game last year its a good starting point.:mad:

And about commenting about things i know "Dick about", you seem to do it very well so i was just joining in....:D


'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
It is meant to be fun yes... but why would i want to know you personally any way????:confused:

We are trying to get people who want to play in big games and represent the club away from Cosford and the warped big game so why go on about where you work???

What talk on camo at lunchtime????.... if you bothered to read the warped forum properly people were asking if we were going to get some camo gear???? paint was what you assumed we were going to talk about.:mad:

Tactics is what Parksey is going over, and if you read that thread (which i think you must because of the comments) you will see that it was to meat some of the people who want to join and can't make the 4th Feb.:mad:

Lack of progress..... well it is because people only want to be merc's when it suits them that stops any progress, we have had abuot 15 people who want to join and so out of about 60 from the big game last year its a good starting point.:mad:

And about commenting about things i know "Dick about", you seem to do it very well so i was just joining in....:D
Who said ought about you wanting to know me (or me wanting to know you for that matter)...you where the one gobbing off about me getting out of my comfort zone, like you would know what or where that is:rolleyes:

With relevence to where I work...I believe I only mentioned that with reference to my 'Comfort zone' and not with anything to do with the mercs or cosford. I wish both well as I fully intend to participate in both.

With regards to Camo etc...it is you that has 'Assumed' yourself into such a position as to be an authority in all things woodland paintball. I do believe that Parksey may be a well recognised figure in such matters but yourself???
Pardon me if I refrain from joining in your lectures to 14 years olds on how to camo themselves up whilst playing paintball:mad:

As for progress... I wish the warped business and warped mercs and also WCU well in all and everything that they do. I for one would like to see them succeed at all levels and will endeavour to support them in any way that I can from playing to recomending them as kosher suppliers/tech services/punter games organisers etc.

As for you Steve.....I cannot say the same. Maybe we will meet some day at cosford:mad: :mad: :mad:

EDIT: and yes...I do remember how big you are!!!


May 2, 2005
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You should just chill out????

Read what i posted properly.... "your lectures to 14 years olds on how to camo themselves up whilst playing paintball"

may i point out once more...if you bothered to read the warped forum properly people were asking if we were going to get some camo gear????

Perhaps we shall meet one day at cosford, and i do wish you all the best!!


'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
You should just chill out????

Read what i posted properly.... "your lectures to 14 years olds on how to camo themselves up whilst playing paintball"

may i point out once more...if you bothered to read the warped forum properly people were asking if we were going to get some camo gear????

Perhaps we shall meet one day at cosford, and i do wish you all the best!!

And i'll look forward with baited breath to the vast amounts of information you will surely be able to deliver on the subject of camouflage and games. I'm sure people will be coming from miles around just to seek your advice!!


Sorry to all prospective mercs.....Really....it is a wicked place to play ball.

See you all at the BG 007:p :p :p


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!

you guys should save your pent up ungroovyness and transform it to kapunkaa power on the field!

this should be resolved mano et mano 1 ball each 20 paces! lol! ha ha ha!

see you all in the middle! and if you see me. . . . then my camo is just not good enough!



May 2, 2005
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i think we all know about topchef then!!:eek:

What has size got to do with how i play paintball???

or is he on about handbags at dawn...LOL

i know fa about camo but can organise a set of camo clothes for the team.....

so where did the camo face painting come from????

Perhaps he was on the face painting forum?:confused: