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Want to be on TV


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Television.... Interesting

Originally posted by Hotpoint
Personally I've always followed the Stanislavsky school of Method Acting...

"Excuse me Mr Director but what's my motivation for hanging this flag?" :p :D
You mean Stanislavski? Personally, I much prefer the Brechtian methds, for Bertold Brecht was a genius IMHO.
(although it was thanks to Stanislavski that the likes of Anton Checkov became much more widely known).

Anyways, balling, on the telly? see you at the auditions


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Bristol, UK
Hey imp as long as you bring you own hair gel i think they'll give you a much pampering you like but the amount of hair gel youll use would put the bbc outta business ;)


Pompey Paintballer
Re: Television.... Interesting

Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
You mean Stanislavski?
Nope. I think my spelling was the correct form (just googled to check too in case my senility was acting up again) ;)

Anyhow I'll back "The Method" against all comers. For a start at least we're already p'ballers and have the mindset already... all we need now if the situation :p


Mother, is that you?
Television.... Interesting

Originally posted by Hotpoint
Personally I've always followed the Stanislavsky school of Method Acting...

"Excuse me Mr Director but what's my motivation for hanging this flag?" :p :D

I guess having a little instruction at this point can only help, given that it is 'acting' and an alien situation to boot.'

Chunk, lol.

Bunker Imp

Dye Paintball
Apr 24, 2003
Originally posted by F3Z
Hey imp as long as you bring you own hair gel i think they'll give you a much pampering you like but the amount of hair gel youll use would put the bbc outta business ;)
yeah true i best bring my own 4 barrels of it then.:D :rolleyes:

any application forms around yet bully. as i all up for this.

twizzy boy you do know the cameras are not black and white anymore:D :D :D .

j/king dude:)


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK
Links to information

Here you go - the links to the information - we need to try an get a paintballer on this programme

Information supplied by the programme makers:

In a future BBC ONE programme 'You & Me: The Personality Test' they aim to put personality type theories and the experts behind them to the ultimate test: can they correctly predict the personality type of 100 members of the British public and predict how they will behave?

We would like members of the United Kingdom Paintball Sports Federation to be present within the 100 people that take the initial test.

No applicants are guaranteed a place in the 100 as we need a proper cross-section of personality types in our 100 sample. In order to achieve this, every applicant has been asked to fill in an initial questionnaire

www.ukpsf.com - click the link on the front page



Please mention the UKPSF if you request an application form.
