Well you have never ever dealt with me businesswise, so why even bother commenting?
W WGP4Life Banned Jul 18, 2005 167 0 0 Hertfordshire Aug 3, 2006 #11 Well you have never ever dealt with me businesswise, so why even bother commenting?
Fish CF6 May 15, 2006 2,596 24 73 35 Central London Aug 3, 2006 #12 YOURE 13; YOU HAVENT EVEN DONE BLOODY WORK EXPERIENCE YET FFS... businessman/business ethics my foot!
YOURE 13; YOU HAVENT EVEN DONE BLOODY WORK EXPERIENCE YET FFS... businessman/business ethics my foot!
Bon Timmy Nerd Feb 22, 2006 2,754 76 73 36 Birmingham Aug 3, 2006 #13 he's 13, and he expected 10 people to give him 100 quid each lol im laughing so hard now, I thought he wa slike 15/16... but 13 ROFL youve made my day fish... cudos
he's 13, and he expected 10 people to give him 100 quid each lol im laughing so hard now, I thought he wa slike 15/16... but 13 ROFL youve made my day fish... cudos