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Platinum Member
I have no probs with the Wakefield site (apart from no running water - how is a girl meant to wash her hands?! ), but having done five of the last six Kenny's, I prefer the journey to Birmingham. Good on those that travelled further than us.

I agree Wakefield is an awesome site. I loved the effort that went into making the strobing/smoking Staargate! However, I think it was marginally easier for us on the blue armband side to get to the Staargate as it was right next to our base. Would it make it more fair to everyone for it to be slap bang in the middle? (Or maybe it was, I got a bit disorientated and didn't care where I went so long as it was a target rich environment! ) :D
Agreed on the running water, I was surprised that such a big site didnt have any to be honest.

But the site was great, plenty of cover and loved all the little valleys you could end up sneaking through with opponents right above you, great fun.

I think you're right about the stargate as well, it did seem closer to our base than to theirs. But then at the start of the game they seemed to be able to get to our Jaffa Village before us!

Roll on next year.. Don't care where it is, as someone else will be driving :D


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
Agreed on the running water, I was surprised that such a big site didnt have any to be honest.
well with that part of wakefield the water pressure is totally crap, and the cost of having the road dug up and pipes laid is retarded.

but having some type of water source would be nice, those massive white tanks in the field next to alien base camp hold a load of water.


Sep 18, 2006
The site is amazing, its very easy to find too, M1 and then through the village. The staargate was closer to your base but meh, no big deal. I needed the exercise!
Yes, as soon as booking is avalible Im going to be striaght on there! Looking at the rate scenario balling is taking off maybe they should look into supporting a few more players?
May 23, 2006
Scotland :D
i have no problem with distance to be traveled as there are no big games up in scotland i have to travel to england. u guys down there should count yourselves lucky, its always a long journey for us but most of us make every game, every year.



true. of the three of us that came down from ABERDEEN (that's 7 hours with only one short stop...) it was the first big game for two of us. well worth it tho'. if we can get that up here or anywhere in scotland it be so ecstatic i think i'd die.....
stonkin' stuff...roll on the next one....and make it BIGGER!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
Visit site
yes the star gate is closer too the blue end but this was requested to be like that.but last year the other end captuered it at the end of the day so it all comes down too tactics .as for running water the farmer cut it off when laying the new entrance road last year but maybe bully can get something done about it.he resolved 99% of points brought up about last year so maybe he can do it again you can all but ask!;)


Active Member
May 9, 2003
Wakefield's a good location and we're only just getting to know the layout of the field now, so don't go changing it! Running water is not such a problem, it would be nice ...but we can bring extra bottled water next year. It was a bit scary doing firetricks without a bucket of water standing by :eek: but i figured there was enough beer readily available and you would all have pitched in to help us out. Thanks to Meat for being our 'wet towel' man :)

PS has anyone fot any vids of the bear or firetricks you could email me or put somewhere for me to download?
