Found this somewhat funny: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/donald-trump/what-is-donald-trump-trying-hide-us-563901
This is Trumps point. The new regime have 'shown ties' to Iran, and even Al Queda(sp). They (the west) should have gone in sooner, before these loyalties were fostered, but if they go in now are they just paving the way for Iran to put their guy in place?I tell ya what they are doing there Missy, how long do you think that nation will be selling oil to China after the Yanks have gone in. I don't think it will be China's interests that will be looked after when the new regime takes over .. to think any different is surely political naivity.
It is indeed a cess-pit of poorly-disguised self-interest. Trump is being touted as the businessman the US needs to right things financially at home. He will no doubt scrap the heath-care plan immediately, because he will be funded by the republicans, who are funded by the pharmaceutical & oil companies. I think the guy has a big mouth, and that is his biggest weakness/area of liability. He can be blunt and offensive, has been bankrupt more than once, married god-knows how many times, and the way he handled that Rosanne Barr thing was class-less.
having said that, do you think his 'straight-talk approach would be better than the bull**** people already put up with from the established politicians?
Let me put it like this, just to see which way you swayThe reality is Missy, the American peoples allegedly get what [who] they deserve and so any talk of Trump or whoever is somewhat academic for me.
The only guy who I have ever seen with what looked like a modicum of integrity was Conan Powell; that guy I might have trusted ... but that trust would have lasted but one day I'm afraid which is the time it would take for the tentacles of governmental self-interest to embrace and finally choke him out.
Once he declined the opportunity to represent the American peoples, I lost faith and hope in any political process and indeed, in any politician in terms of bringing some semblance of integrity to the government of the US nation.
I was gunna type out my respone until I read this. fantastic.I find the whole notion of American politics a farce not least because the candidates all seem so schooled and so disingenuous.
They are an insult to true poltiical representation.
Their presence in front of the camera is always an act, and in my mind it doesn't matter who gets in, they are all as corrupt and as incompetent as one another; and the reason I suggest this is because there is an enormous, somewhat immovable inertia surrounding the real things to be done such as the health-care problem.
The incestuous relationships between the insurance companies and medical professions is at least immoral and at worst corrupt; it serves no other purpose than to protect the financial interests of both parities .. people do not matter, money does in America ... it infects every single level of political activity you could think of.
And yet the feigned disgust when accused of such behaviour is sickening to witness; almost as sickeningly hypocritical as the words, 'In God we Trust' on their banknotes as millions of dollars are fed thru to corrupt regimes and corporations.
The good people of America are hogtied and to an extent brainwashed by their media, they live in a virtual world that is a construct of their media, Hollywood, their politics and lastly money ... there is little room for any moral consideration or humane political activism within government itself.
I am apolitical and look in from the outside and what I see is one big ***-off powder keg .... I hope I'm wrong.
Let me put it like this, just to see which way you sway
You're a US citizen with a vote you plan to use.
You have 3 options:
Vote Democrat (Obama's 2nd term - provided he is not outed as 'unqualified')
Vote for a republican white Christian politician
Vote for republican Trump (not exactly a politician)
Where do you sign your name? I mean, thats the choice the guys in the US have, kinda, so what do you do if you're them?
While it may sum up US politics well enough, it doesn't answer the question.I was gunna type out my respone until I read this. fantastic.sums it up in a nut shell.
C'mon Pete, it's a total Cop-out, and barely speaks to the topic.If i was a US citizen .... and with no disrepsect intended, I am glad I am not, I would not lower myself to vote; I would see it as conceding to the corrupt system that offers up those options.
I realise I would then attract the inevitable cirtiicism that follows such inaction but I would cite the occasion when Bush engineered his vote to the white house through his brother's political machinations in Florida, he basically frauded his way in ... my one vote makes no difference either way .. to believe this is not the case is self-delusion at its most profound.
I would withhold my vote; my vote has integrity,it is mine to give and it cannot and will not support any of those candidates, all of whom do not in any way derserve MY vote, I would not soil my vote ... and come on Missy, you knew full well I was gonna say that ... or something like it anyway.
The American peoples deserve better ...