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Virtue Shocker


New Member
Dec 17, 2007
no i was grateful but not for all the crap.

i dont see y u all have to get the hump because i shortened a word!!!! and asked a question. if u know the answer then answer it but with out the bull****! obviously if i could have found it without asking i would have!!!!! and if u can understand "wot" then y do u care wen it was last sed!!!

if u dont want to answer the question because its stupid or easy to find out then just simply ignore it!!!!!


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
2) No text talk. Apart from the occasional 'lol' or 'ftw' etc Text talk will not be tolerated. We also ask that posts are in english or a decent attempt at english. We realise some of you aren't great at speeling and punktuation but mindless chat/drivel and abbreviations will be dealt with accordingly.



New Member
Dec 17, 2007
ok fair enough thats fine but why dont people just say that being polite and then i would know and not do it i dont see why people have to get arsey about it.


Platinum Member
WOT is the point of doing a search wen i can just ask on here and muppets like u lot answer instead?

and as 4 the WOT u understood it so y dont u just get a life and stop being a twat!

merry chrismas!!!!! fcuk that!!!!!!!!!!
Most of you will be aware of the popular TV program, "The Simpsons".

If you are regular viewers, you will be familiar with what I am about to say.

You know when Homer, talks to Spike...and then you see and hear it, from Spikes point of view?

That's what I just saw, reading that...


Firstly....there are many "Muppets" on these forums, as your post makes clear. But I am not a Muppet.
Coming on here now and then calling us all Muppets, will not help in further requests of information that you may make, even if you do get your little brother to help you with the spelling and grammar.

You did not shorten a word...you *******ised it, as you seem to do with much of the language, that we refer to as English. I understood it, yes...because I have an agile mind and can interpret your utterings...I wonder if the reverse is true though?

We can appreciate, that not everyone is great with words, maybe because of Dyslexia etc...who knows...but you don't appear to be Dyslexic...you are trying to talk to us, in the way you would talk to the rest of your "gangstar" mates...in fact, while your typing...I imagine that you might even pause momentarily, and do the whole East 17, waving your arms about bit too.

Even your username, is a "gangstar" *******isation...why? You want to be like Akon? A Con? Really? He's a Knob...

That is why...we make the assumption, from your username, your posts and your attitude within them, to decide what kind of person you are...I'm not saying your a bad person, though you clearly want to be thought of as BAD...but we form the impression, that you are some Chavy, wannabe "Gangstar"...and mistreat you accordingly.

If you download, Google Toolbar...it has a spell checking facility...you may find it useful.

If you think I am being an a$$hole...then yes, your right.
But I make an effort with what I post and I am sympathetic to those who have to make an effort with what they post...these facts, allow me the right, to treat YOU, or anyone else, with the contempt you deserve...at this time.

Doesn't mean I hate you...not that you may care.

Merry Christmas:D


Oct 27, 2007
who wants to know?
i'm not trying to fuel this little tiff. but konvix is right. forums are here to help people out. people that dont know much about cars, bikes ect ect, or in this case paintball. and just because someone wants to write "WOT" instead of "what" does not make them any worse than you or me. yes he could have searched and yes he was abit of a twat but all he asked was a question. i've been a member of many differant forums and its all the same, someone doesnt use the search bar or google then about twenty people jump on them. i read this thread and it was the same, he asked a question then someone gives him the answer but insted of saying "here you go mate, i found this on google" they say "found this it was easy maybe u should try google! your lucky it was christmas or i wouldn't have been so nice!". how do you expect someone to act? If you dont want to help someone then dont. you dont help someone in a rude manner then expect them to say thanks.


Platinum Member
i'm not trying to fuel this little tiff. but konvix is right. forums are here to help people out. people that dont know much about cars, bikes ect ect, or in this case paintball. and just because someone wants to write "WOT" instead of "what" does not make them any worse than you or me. yes he could have searched and yes he was abit of a twat but all he asked was a question. i've been a member of many differant forums and its all the same, someone doesnt use the search bar or google then about twenty people jump on them. i read this thread and it was the same, he asked a question then someone gives him the answer but insted of saying "here you go mate, i found this on google" they say "found this it was easy maybe u should try google! your lucky it was christmas or i wouldn't have been so nice!". how do you expect someone to act? If you dont want to help someone then dont. you dont help someone in a rude manner then expect them to say thanks.
If nobody tells them, that they could have used google etc, then they never will bother...and they will always expect people to sort their problems out...help those who help themselves.

Mind you..I was in a pretty bad mood when I wrote the first comment:D