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Venue for UK Masters 2007


knee is broken again :[
Dec 3, 2004
West Mids
I dont know if it will have anything to do with the masters yet but there is something BIG going on down the road from the PA site in Ancaster.....watch this space! :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
If they're all in Lincoln it's a bit far, 2hrs+ drive (prob more yesterday as I got a lift to Notts first - 1hr 15, then had a 1hr ish drive to the site)

I don't mind Uttoxeter, & I think the field setup has improved (yes, it didn't used to be like that). I liked it when there used to be a spread eg didn't you have one at leicester and Notts Skirmish (or was that Bully's?)

Lincoln is far, Uttox is far-ish but not so bad.

Please don't have them all at Lincoln :(, it's been hard enough with the alternate uttox/lincoln but all at lincoln would be bad...

tbh I think you're all just being wimps about Uttox, it's not so bad ;) (Ok it is in winter...& when it rains :))

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Rosie said:
If they're all in Lincoln it's a bit far, 2hrs+ drive (prob more yesterday as I got a lift to Notts first - 1hr 15, then had a 1hr ish drive to the site)

I don't mind Uttoxeter, & I think the field setup has improved (yes, it didn't used to be like that). I liked it when there used to be a spread eg didn't you have one at leicester and Notts Skirmish (or was that Bully's?)

Lincoln is far, Uttox is far-ish but not so bad.

Please don't have them all at Lincoln :(, it's been hard enough with the alternate uttox/lincoln but all at lincoln would be bad...

tbh I think you're all just being wimps about Uttox, it's not so bad ;) (Ok it is in winter...& when it rains :))
I'm not in agreement with a one venue 5 man tournement series, WHEREEVER it is


Platinum Member
Rosie said:
If they're all in Lincoln it's a bit far, 2hrs+ drive (prob more yesterday as I got a lift to Notts first - 1hr 15, then had a 1hr ish drive to the site)

I don't mind Uttoxeter, & I think the field setup has improved (yes, it didn't used to be like that). I liked it when there used to be a spread eg didn't you have one at leicester and Notts Skirmish (or was that Bully's?)

Lincoln is far, Uttox is far-ish but not so bad.

Please don't have them all at Lincoln :(, it's been hard enough with the alternate uttox/lincoln but all at lincoln would be bad...

tbh I think you're all just being wimps about Uttox, it's not so bad ;) (Ok it is in winter...& when it rains :))
Takes us 2 hours to get to Lincoln, probably take 4 or 5 to get to Uttox :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
Dark Warrior said:
I'm not in agreement with a one venue 5 man tournement series, WHEREEVER it is
SOOOOooo agree :(.

AndyDane said:
Takes us 2 hours to get to Lincoln, probably take 4 or 5 to get to Uttox :(
Good example. -Any site, there'll be people close to it, or far from it; I like the way it used to be with it spread across a few sites.

Bloody hell Andy where do you live :confused: 4 or 5 hours, that's some drive when you're knackered, & I thought 2 hours was bad :eek:
edit: oops says Norfolk in your profile :eek:


Feb 17, 2006
Lincoln would get my vote, without repeating all comments in the earlier posts, the venue offers more.

I'd happily play at alternative sites that are comparable to the setup at Lincoln, to provide a rotating location