Totally thread jacking now! If you had a lot of kick the recoil would bounce the balls back up the feedneck, point taken about the jams, etc, infact I also have a 98 I keep for a bit of fun and it works much better with an agitating hopper. with a single trigger and a mechanical sear trigger you'd have to be going some to achieve the tippys 9bps (claimed?) whlie I can quite easily pull 20+ on my fly (true semi, no raping and no added bounce)!
TBH, if i was going to do a punter day, I'd take my 98 and a riccochett, I'm sure It would be less likley to give trouble than a site gun and if I took an electro anybody I shot would only cry unfair. The other week when training on the site my mate marshalls at we had some brave punters want a game with 'those guys', so we set up a 3 on 6 for them, and encouraged their mates to coach them from the tape, I'm sure you can guess the out come, but they were up for it, anf went away thanking us, and raving about our guns