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Urban Paintball UK: War Of The Worlds: 8th & 9th June Bramley (Near Reading)


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Allot of markers with electronic eyes can't see clear paint. Also in a number of situations the balls being to large to enter the feedneck. There are more issues but these are the main two.

Sorry i cannot divulge the changers that have been made to the ball until after the event.

Dan Richardson

New Member
Mar 1, 2013
So does ALL paint have to be paid for at least 6 weeks prior to the event, or will there be any available to buy there?
If it does all need to be paid up front what would be a sensible amount to buy?


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Thats correct please purchase the amount you require for the event 6 weeks before (you don't have to buy it all together spread the cost as it's linked to your account). There will be some spare paint available to purchase but once it's gone it's gone.

The amount of paint you require depends on how you shoot. The average 2-3 but some players are buying up to 5.

There been allot of ticket sales over the weekend.

Please ensure you sign up to the correct faction page. This is the place to get the game scenario and tactics information for your faction.

A list of players for each faction will be passed to the faction leader to ensure players are in their correct group.

Mat Hodgson - Halo Troops

Jamie Powell - Predators

Nick Gandy - Marines

Ken Stevens - Terminators


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Urban Paintball UK: The Urban Paintball Announcement!!!!!

You are the first to see the newly developed Urban Paintball UK clear paintballs. We have been working very closely with Sterling Paintball to develop a clear ball that allows our players to maximise their ability and skill while playing in urban environments that require clear fill paintballs.

In the past we have been hit with the issues of using use standard clear paint at events throughout the UK. Everything from bubbles in fill, inconsistent ball sizes (getting stuck in feednecks), eyes on markers not work and more.

So here a breakdown of what the Urban Paintball does over the standard clear ball.
Due to the shell now being the same colour as Airsoft balls, this now allows us to use a coloured shell as it blends in with the rest of the environment. This means no more issues with eyes on markers not working (this includes Reflective & Transmissive eyes ). Only the highest quality PEG (Polyethylene glycol) fill will be used for these balls to ensure every balls is consistent. This in turn allows us to be environmentally friendly so no oil or starch will be used in the making of the Urban paintballs. While working on the shell and fill we have also looked at the ball density so expect great things.

As you can see we have thought about what our players want from a paintball. At the same time what allows them to perform at their highest ability without any hindrance. I hope we have rectified all the current issues with the standard clear paintballs and happy shooting.

Please be aware the ball size in the photo will not be the final size. Once the game batch has been completed we will re measure and release the size so you can barrel match.

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Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Fingers crossed Urban Paintball UK will have a HUGE!! WOTW game announcement next week.

We have been working on this for a while and it's going to surprise everyone in UK paintball!!

Yes it's that good!!!!! FACT!


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Mat Hodgson of the Alpha Tykes has kindly donated this E-Vents Avatar mask as an additional prize for WOTW.

Big thank your from Urban Paintball UK!!!!



Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Urban Paintball UK Press Release.

It’s no secret Urban Paintball UK and Sterling Paintball have been working together for some time now.

It’s with great pleasure to announce that Sterling Paintball have now finished the development of the long awaited Sterling Ultraviolet (code name) paintball. This will allow all of our players the benefits of a UV (tracer) ball backed with the amazing quality and price that Sterling Paintball are so well known for. Remember by buying Sterling you’re also supporting UK manufacturing.

As always with Sterling only the highest quality PEG (Polyethylene glycol) fill will be used for these balls to ensure every balls is consistent. This in turn allows us to be environmentally friendly so no oil or starch will be used in the making of the new UV paintballs. We have fully tested these balls to make sure they are compatible with the current tracer barrel adapter.

We don’t stop there!!! Urban has also developed an internal UV hopper adapter to allow the balls to charge while you’re on the field. This will ensure no matter how trigger happy you are you’ll always have a ball charged and waiting to go for just a small cost.

As you can see both Sterling and Urban have been working hard at reducing the costs of paintball to all our players.
Now all you have to think about is how you’re going to use it in your next night game?
Maybe using it as cover fire to light up options base to make it easy to wipe them out?
Using it as a detraction while other forces attack from other positions?
The possibilities are endless.......

Now it’s time to have some fun!!!!

Price for hopper device around £8
Price for Sterling Sterling Ultraviolet (code name) £35

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Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Urban Paintball UK Sterling clear paintballs test

Had a great day today at Sterling testing the new Urban Ghost Paintball paintballs.

Test Markers: Vanguard Creed V2, Empire Trracer and Airow.
Hoppers: Dye Rotor, Empire Reloader and gravity feed.

As you can see from the close up photo's the balls are perfectly round with no dents or imperfections and are of competition grade. The initial ball size shows .688 but this will vary as this was only a test batch.

While testing the Vanguard Creed had zero eye issues and the Rotor did not jam once (we shot 500 balls in total). As you can see the fill is perfectly clear with a white shell to ensure that the balls are compatible with all markers (reflective and passive).

All in all very impressed with the quality and consistency of the new Urban Ghost paintballs and i can't wait for you guys and gals to be impressed also.

The balls will be delivered directly from the factory straight to our pre prepared paint room that's fan heated to ensure air circulation and zero dead spots.

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