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Urban Paintball UK: Severance, Anzio Camp, Leek 10-12 August 2012


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
We have well over 100 already signed up and also have more teams signing up everyday. At the rate we are going all 200 places should be filled for July.

This total does not include the 2 large teams we have signing up atm
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Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Friday is just to allow players to get onsite setup camping gear and have some games to get use to the urban style of game play. There will also be a room clearance game running with very limited paint. So i hope your all a good shot!

The players area every night will then be turned into a chill out area for you all to have a drink and to try and win some competitions for prizes.


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
It’s with great disappointment that we have had to postpone Severance.

The reason for this is because the ticket sales didn’t hit the required 200 players (37 players short) to run the game. If we would have continued with the game it would have left myself and Jason out of pocket by quite a large amount. As some of you may be aware we spoke to site owners to try and allow us to pay per player but with no avail. This has led us into the situation we are in at the moment.

Myself and Jason are gutted about this as the time, money and effort that has gone into this game has been immense. If you think this has stopped us you should think again.....

At the moment we are in talks with a new site owner. If all goes well this will give us access to a large amount of mixed site throughout the UK. This will also ensure that no matter the amount of players the game will still go ahead. We will continue to build and plan Severance ready for the new site and will be back fighting hard.

As per our terms and conditions everyone will be refunded. We will start the process this week and expect it to be finished no later than Friday.

I hope you can appreciate our actions and support us in our future games.

Gareth Homewood & Jason Barber