welcome to the thread ion haters
I can't get over how many times I've said this too people when coaching at quadball once a week. it doesn't matter what gun you have, how much it costs. its what you do with it.
I don't care what gun you have. . I reckon 1 on 1 I could shoot you 8 or 9 / 10 times.
now this kid is asking about ION upgrades to attatch to his ION!!!
correct me if i'm wrong but last time I looked an ego doesn't fit on an ion, unless you use the gaffer tape mod, or if you've seen the franken ion down quadball lol.
now onto bolts I'd recommend the lucky bolt as it is really light and reliable. and uk based.
any other questions feel free to ask.
or call the ion centre on
as they have loads of upgrades and can give the best advice on what works together.
robeenio #27