psyder: great mate we certainly could do with a hand with web stuff.
Funny you should ask about the site coz...
Last nite until about 10:30pm the compressor was installed... So we're there... electricity is on, the ground has been rolled( lovely and flat), compressor works( now just need a day or so to get it up to pressure, about 6000psi), the sup air is up and working. all we need to do now is sort out a date for opening by the looks of it...
so all the people/teams who have shown interest and want to train feel free to phone/e-mail Yorkie or myself.
Yorkie 07961 950 701
Neil (nbr) 07776 200 347
or you can contact Molly 07984 056 919
Costs: (provisional)
UKM Members (Uk Marshal's Paintball Club)
Under 18 (student) £7.00 per player per session
Adults £9.00 per player per session
Non UKM Members
Under 18 £10.00 per player per session
Adults £12.50 per player per session
Paint can be purchased from us on site at some very good rates, practise quality or tourni quality.
All enquiries please feel free to phone the above numbers. All teams/individuals/shops or manufacures are welcome on to the site.
P.s Also watch this space for 5man tourni's... details to be sorted but should be soon... (we want to learn to walk b4 we run!)
Funny you should ask about the site coz...
Last nite until about 10:30pm the compressor was installed... So we're there... electricity is on, the ground has been rolled( lovely and flat), compressor works( now just need a day or so to get it up to pressure, about 6000psi), the sup air is up and working. all we need to do now is sort out a date for opening by the looks of it...
so all the people/teams who have shown interest and want to train feel free to phone/e-mail Yorkie or myself.
Yorkie 07961 950 701
Neil (nbr) 07776 200 347
or you can contact Molly 07984 056 919
Costs: (provisional)
UKM Members (Uk Marshal's Paintball Club)
Under 18 (student) £7.00 per player per session
Adults £9.00 per player per session
Non UKM Members
Under 18 £10.00 per player per session
Adults £12.50 per player per session
Paint can be purchased from us on site at some very good rates, practise quality or tourni quality.
All enquiries please feel free to phone the above numbers. All teams/individuals/shops or manufacures are welcome on to the site.
P.s Also watch this space for 5man tourni's... details to be sorted but should be soon... (we want to learn to walk b4 we run!)