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Unreal... Who's coming?


lone gunner now
yeah it was me who shot the poor girl in the bum,didnt know it was a girl though,she gave a big yelp from behind the tyres and then 4 of them got up and walked out with her,must have bin a hell of a shot lol

sorry by the way this a answear to a post about 20 or so back,bin at work all day


I piss nitroglycerin
Feb 3, 2007
Cardboard box alongside M53
I specifically remember scaring the crap out of them in the village near the end of the 1st match.

was about 40 yards away from thier bunker,had no paint but a load of air so decided to jump out and ramp like hell at them

The screams they made was priceless :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
there where about 4 of them hiding behind an up-turn tree stump just down from the village, well me and my mate didn't realise that blues had the village so thought we where fairly safe,,

then all of a sudden a loud scream followed by loads of paint flying by.

yep you guessed it they missed all 4 girls and managed to hit me and my mate :D


I piss nitroglycerin
Feb 3, 2007
Cardboard box alongside M53
there where about 4 of them hiding behind an up-turn tree stump just down from the village, well me and my mate didn't realise that blues had the village so thought we where fairly safe,,

then all of a sudden a loud scream followed by loads of paint flying by.

yep you guessed it they missed all 4 girls and managed to hit me and my mate :D

If there is anybody like them at the next domination, im gonna go on the other team lmao