Guys before we go down this road again i think you all need to take a serious serious look at what you want from a uni league, im quite happy as most of you know to support any uni league but after the last few years you cannot blame me for being disillousioned. The question really rests on what do you want!? A full scale professionally organised torny, xball, with 6-7 marshalls, full mills set up etc etc...
Do you want something cheap and fun with minimum fuss and maximum turnout? (5 man/3man/7man best of 3, less imaginative fields, less marshalls/ and or self marshall,
The question really lies with what is needed, is it another 2 leg torny that costs £300 plus in entry. and another £200 in paint per team per leg. Because frankly for that cash i rather suport the broader scale Uk paintball scene. Or is it cheap cheerfull and most importantly equi-distant for the unis that will draw teams in?
Its up to you (feel free to tear my grammer etc apart, its far to late for me to care.)