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Uni Tourny?


University Barbarians
Dec 26, 2005
whats the deal with side line, as im assuming that is part of the team. Would it mean that side line coaches must be registered students or can grads (life members of union) do the role. Tiny bit confused with this.
Not sure about this, you would have to ask Steve, but I don't see why they would have to be current uni students.

As we saw at Snetterton, the snake side of the field was right next to the high wind-breaking bank where most people sat to watch the game. This obviously meant that anyone could shout whatever they wanted at the players and as such nobody could really stop other people coaching.

Thus I reckon we should let anyone sideline coach, but limited to only one official person per team, on the main snake side, as the PA does.


Apr 26, 2006
so are only two people allowed on the snake side? Cos thats the only way u can enforce that rule. I'm guessing, im wrong so how do they enforce it?



University Barbarians
Dec 26, 2005
At the PA they have a line on the ground about a meter and a half away from the netting side. Each official coach for the game (one on each team) gets a high-vis vest and is allowed up to the netting, everyone else has to stay back.

If people start coming forward from the line without a vest they get a shouting at by an official and their team can be penalised.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
whats the deal with side line, as im assuming that is part of the team. Would it mean that side line coaches must be registered students or can grads (life members of union) do the role. Tiny bit confused with this.
Only players have to be current registered students. Pit crew and coaches are not subject to this restriction.
We have not set up a coaching zone for each team to have designated coach. We may well go that way, but at the moment we are running the way the PA used to (and I believe CPL still do), which is everyone on either sideline can coach.

And Whitey, please. Loads of sports have coaches callng plays from the sidelines.

And in response to the initial question, the University Paintball Championships in March is a one off event, that any uni can enter team in. (All teams must be made up of registered students from the same uni.) Kit will be available for teams that don't have their own and there will be separate divisions for different levels of experience. Oh, and it will only cost about £75 to enter. :)