South Park...Kenny's Revenge...
I missed that! Tell me does it work? Can we all wear little turquoise bobble hats and say' screw you guys' all day? So who is gonna be Kenny, and Oh my god, will they kill him (again?)
Hi Guppy,
The game was based on the movie with the Canadians V's the Americans. The Canadians were trying to "rescue" Terrance & Philip and the Americans were trying to execute them.
T&P were sat center field all day wired to explosive charges (small ones

) Unfortunately the Americans got a bit carried away and detonated the Canadians side as well (probably because they just liked blowing things up

There were also the "Mothers Against Canada" and "La Resistance" groups walking about and a stunning Satan & his minions led by a disturbingly convincing John Sosta. Satan's services could be bought for 15 minutes in exchange for a Mr. Hat, of which there several lying about the field or these could be bought from Cartman for a bag of Cheesy Poofs.
Sadam also made an appearance (played brilliantly by Mikey Holyfield) which caused quite a bit of upset as he could only be taken out by a "V Chip" grenade (this idea was totally plagerised from the white rabbit in EMR's Monty Python Holy Grail game by the way so thanks to Blue Hanse for that one) Unfortunately (for Mikey) it took a while for the concept to be understood and people unloaded hundreds of rounds into him before they realised he couldn't be taken out by regular means
"V Chips" were few and far between but Cartman had a few and these could be bought from him in exchange for 2 bags of Cheesy Poofs.
There was loads of stuff lying around for bonus points, Mr Hanky, US and Canadian passports (which could also be used to access the enemy base) and all the props were either usable or exchangeable for points.
Kenny avoided being "killed" by any "b**tards" all day, despite "accidentally" wandering through the middle of many firefights. In the last 30 minutes of the game, Kenny was stood with a load of Americans who got brilliantly ambushed by the Canadians. The Americans all dived for cover leaving Kenny in the open and he got shot costing the Canadians 1000 points.
Final scores left the Candians 500 points short of victory totally due to the "Kenny" incident.
The atmosphere on the day was incredible and the attitude of the players was great with no cheating or aggro. It took a while for people to get into the swing of the new format, playing one continuous game from 10am till 4pm but everyone really got into the spirit of the whole day. This year we're hoping to see more like the kind of numbers the NvS game got last week and hopefully we'll start seeing more of this kind of game appearing in the UK.
The Marshals worked their rocks off and if it wasn't for them the day would never have happened. They were very short handed and marshalling a type of event completely new to most of them. Chrongraphing was adhered to all day and shot players HAD to re-chrono before going back in the field and becoming live again.
All sound complicated? For the organisers yes

For the players? No not really, they just went out, played some of the most fun ball they ever have and got all excited about finding a Mr. Hanky in a tree. (Oh and thanks to everyone for returning all the props at the end of the day)
We didn't actually get to do a lot of stuff we wanted to do with the prize draw and costume competition, but hopefully this year people will know what to expect so we can get all the extra features in. So YES we want to see you in your bobble hat

Not sure what the prizes will be this year but there will be a GOLDEN KENNY with a substantial prize for the first person to find him.
Looking forward to seeing you at "Kenny's Revenge" in October.